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The Great Veteran Interview – Juanita

The Great Veteran Interview – Juanita

Hey Helpers! This week is special, a special week for you guys to get to know our wonderful HF Veterans. They were true important people towards HF and worked hard every step of the way to get us to where we are! Over the next 5 days, we will be interviewing 5 different veterans of the Help Force! For today, we present to you, the 14th Leader of the Help Force, HF Icon & the JTS Queen, Juanita!

When and why did you join the Help Force?

I joined Help Force on the 26th of December 2018! Crystal recruited me during a stamp segment and once I joined, everyone was extremely welcoming and sweet. So I thought it would be fun to stick around and check the server out as it was winter break for me then 🙂

What made you want to be a moderator and eventually such a high ranked and influential person in the Help Force?

Honestly getting mod was quite unexpected as there weren’t any applications out, I wasnt asked either so it was completely out of the blue and I genuinely didnt see myself getting staff haha. But I was definitely glad and excited as it meant I got to be more involved and play a role in making the army and community better as well as helping out behind the scenes however I could :’)

Has Help Force had any impact on your life in any way? If so, do tell!

Definitely! HF has made me more communicative and being a mod taught me how to handle situations I certainly wouldn’t have been able to before. I believe it’s made me more organized and time managed as well.

Do you think you will see yourself returning to HF anytime soon as a member/staff?

aaaaaaaaaaah I dont see myself returning to HF as staff or as a super active member haha but I would definitely visit / attend anything major without hesitation 😀

As we reach the end of the year, do you have anything to say to all those that joined HF this year

Aaah I hope everyones joins in on the fun and sees help force not only as an army but also a family anddddd never forget to UNLEASH THE POWER OF HELPING! <33
That’s all for today’s interview! Sure it was short, but you know what we can do? We can use this time to talk about how bad Juanita is at spelling! Fun Fact, JTS/Juanita day, is celebrated on the 15th of every month in honor of how bad Juanita is at spelling! She also is known in HF as our 14th Leader, Leading alongside Tistle and Moon as well as a long time moderator for the Help Force! She does visit the server occasionally so if you see her, make sure to say hi!
Tomorrow we take a look at another old staff member of HF, who is also a Help Force Legend!


Head Editor, HF Marshal

One Response

  1. no typos…..im imprwssed

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