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How To: Battle

How To: Battle

Hey Helpers! Welcome to another How To! For this edition, let’s dive into how we battle over at Help Force!

Event Announcement

To know when a battle is scheduled, an event announcement will pop up at the complete top of the channel list in the HF Server. These events are mostly mandatory and are announced more than 2 Days before the event!

If you can attend, a reaction button is given at the bottom of the message! By clicking it, the Staff know that you can attend the event and you get reminded of it closer to the event day.

Pre-Event & Login

A few hours before we log on to the event, a “Pre-Event Segment” is announced. These segments are of 1-2 hours dedicated to recruiting to give the Max an extra nudge for the event. “Pre-Event Segments” get announced at #segments channel.

It’s alright if you cannot attend a Pre-Event Segment, but its always good to have extra help because that’s what helps us grow.

30 Minutes before the event, We start to log on for the event. This is when things get fun! You will receive a notification in #general asking you to log onto the Club Penguin Private Server in use with the Server and Room we will be at. Our designated room is also called the waiting room for the battle. For most battles we use CPArmies.net, so make sure you have an account on there!

Whilst logging on, you may notice the chat moving extremely fast in spam, don’t worry, it’s just what we call “hype”. Feel free to join in as it helps us feel more like a community when more people do it.

At the 15 Minute mark before the Battle begins, Chat is closed to all except Staff & Admins. This is so we can be focused on the event. These few minutes are just a time to warm-up for the event so participate in it as we get to know our strength for the battle.

Warm-Up & Battle

We have reached the most important part of our battle now, the whole week of preparation boils down to these few minutes. Warm-ups are done in the waiting room we are at. They are done the same way we would at battle.

There are 3 rooms in battle, and no one knows them except for our judges. Make sure you pay attention in the discord chat to know where we will be going.

To know what exactly we do as “Tactics and Formations” See this post here

The Aftermath

At the end of the event, we find out who has won the battle, it’s either the opposing army or the Best Force. Key aspects in getting a winner are, Speed, Size and Formations.

The one thing we can improve easily, is size, and that’s why we hope that everyone in the server can try their best to attend our events!

Website Head Editor, HF General

Help Force Leader

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