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[EU] Stamp Heist

Hey Helpers! Today the EU Division logged onto CPR for a Huge Stamp Heist led by Nell. The Heist included many different stamps and was followed by an Igloo Raid which brought in tons of new Helpers. Good Job Guys!

MAX: 37+

Make sure you comment below for points!

Thanks for attending this event, We hope to see you again!
Unleash The Power Of Helping!

19 Responses

  1. attended

  2. I attended!


  4. I attended

  5. cpr: CapSwan22
    discord: CapSwan22
    I attended

  6. i was there for the first hour and 20min but had to leave for the rest of it -skadootoot

  7. It was amazing a segment! HELP FORCE BEST FORCE!

  8. great event (:

  9. THANK YOU FOR HOSTING, Snowflake-Soft.

  10. cheesegirly

  11. It was the best heist. HELP FORCE BEST FORCE . Thanks for hosti g

  12. i attended

  13. I came! Thanks for the event! My name is get that pho.

  14. Thanks everybody!

  15. i was there (heyyoukewl)

  16. I was there!

  17. Rai did attend yastrday EU event tipe today dint had chance tipe yastrday becose i had head hurt becose in my cantry Norwey more +C outside like today 26c outside

  18. I attended too!!

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