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Help Force Insight!- The New Era of Leadership!

Hey there guys! As you can see the Insight is back…Yes, we know its been almost a year, but hey, all that matters is that we are back! There has been a lot that has happened with the Help Force over this past week and we are going to get you up to speed!

Well, 2 weeks ago on 27th Jan, 2020 an announcement was published by our founder, Ayan.

He stated that he will not be leading the HF anymore. The Army was devastated, but the Help Force shall live on!

After Ayan’s departure, we were told that the other 2 leaders Spotty and Lottie would be taking over as our main leaders of the help force! We all were thrilled, as we have all known Spotty for her dedication to the help force in leading and Lottie’s as well!


An event was held at peak UK time on January 30th, 2020. Attendance was significantly lower than usual, and our numbers were simply not high enough as they should have been.

The event was cancelled. The staff were upset. They cancelled the whole weeks’ events to focus on recruiting and bringing HF back on its feet. For a few days, there were no events and only recruitments, but on 5th February 2020, the leaders Spotty and Lottie had left their leadership. (Click here for more info)

That day, we were told that we would have a new main leader. If you have been in HF for some time you definitely know her! It’s our wonderful ‘laugher’ Moon!!! In case you didn’t know, Moon has been an HF mod for quite some time now, and we expect her to lead us very nicely!

Along with Moon, we saw a huge wave of promotions and re-hires of mods! We have 2 new second in command leaders, Juanita and DaSwagger!

I was lucky enough to have a “interview” with Juanita and Moon regarding the HF and its current state! But sadly due to time zones and all of us being busy, we gave them questions and asked them to respond when they could! So here we present Moon and Juanita’s response to the current situation!


1) Hey guys! how does it feel to be promoted to the second in command?

Juanita’s Response:

1) hii! Well it’s pretty great but I’m not used to it yet since its not been long aha

2)well maybe 🙂 you’ll have to wait and see :))

4)well there should be a lot more things coming your way and with the new leadership and our plans the army should be back and running

5) A lot more exciting things of course and well not precisely but we’re going to be more of a family and team in HF and focus on HF a lot more as well aha

Moon’s Response:

1) Pretty stressful if I’m being honest. However, I chose to take over from Spotty and Lottie and I’ll do my best to be a good predecessor.

2) Ofc we do :eyes:

3) So, as mentioned before, we don’t hate Spotty and Lottie. They may hate us now, but we don’t hate them. We just didn’t like how the force was running. We were getting yelled at to host segments, while they sat and played in VC. Spotty used “I can’t host the seg, I’m leading an event later” as an excuse several times. Leading an event does not mean you shouldn’t lead a seg.

4) We plan on introducing a few new things to boost activity, as well as do our best to keep the chat alive at all times! Activity is key atm, from there we’ll focus on more.

5) Events will remain similar, but the moderators will have more freedom to lead rooms and events. As for the second part, you’ll just have to wait and see

Well, it seems like Moon has sure given us a lot to think about! We consider Moon’s promotion as a leader to be the start of a new era a.k.a “The Underdogs Generation.” Usually, our HF Insight tells us about everything from events all the way to fun stuff over on the discord channel but it was a different week for sure and we definitely will be back with more, but for now,

Unleash the power of Helping and Waddle On!


4 Responses

  1. WOW this is amazing I’m so proud of your great effort into making a small interview and explanation to what’s going on. Spectacular.!;)

  2. Amazing post jayden

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