The Help Force Vibes – Sanya

Welcome back to the Help Force Vibes! This is a blog where it has amazing people, fun vibes, and interesting answers. The main idea of this post is getting some associations with what people are known by! Today, I have brought a very sweet and humorous HF troop with me! Read the blog to know more.

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CP Knowledge: Rockhopper and Yarr

Someone say, pirates? Look no further for in this CPKnowledge series, I’ll be talking about the Red bearded Penguin known as Rockhopper along with his friend Yarr. This pirate sailed more seas than you could imagine, along with his puffle friend Yarr.

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Top Five Web Posts – June 2022

ZIPLINE, Scorp’s Office – As we wave goodbye to June, we take a look at the Top Five Web Posts of the month. Which post took the #1 spot?

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Song of the Week #14

Welcome back everyone. It’s Plotter, with my humorously fantastic buddy, NeoBlaze! Today we are here with a wonderful song called Layla by Derek & the Dominos.

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Faces of the Force – Selene

Welcome back fellow helpers of the Help Force! This week on Faces of the Force we have a friendly and charming Helper! She is a new member who has her charms shining in just four months! She is showing lots of potential, since she is ranking up to being a colonel. Introducing this week to the Faces of the Force, Help Force star Selene!

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The Help Force Vibes – Javi

Welcome back to the vibiest-est blog out there! If you haven’t read the first blog where I interviewed Chimkin aka Ally aka Blob, this is your chance to do so! Or if you are too lazy like me, which I don’t blame you for, this is a blog where I scavenge around to find helpless penguins to interrogate and ask questions about a couple of things of what they’re known for! There is almost nobody more in this world that I want to interview about their chaotic self than one of our two generals!

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CP Knowledge: Herbert

Welcome back to another post of CP Knowledge where I’m going to tell you the history of a mischievous duo, Herbert and Klutzy, how both of them met on Club Penguin, and how their partnership turned into a massive takeover we’ve all heard and seen about, and that’s how Operation Blackout, PSA, and the EPF came known when Herbert realized he could take over the island with the help of a crab.

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The Help Force Vibes – Chimkin

Welcome to a new blog segment where I interrogate ask troops and staff in HF some questions of what they’re iconic by! Everyone has a certain thing they’re known by, and it can either be endearing or insulting. FOR EXAMPLE WHY TF AM I THOUGHT OF AS A HIPPO >:( There’s plenty of other better looking animals! They say its all love, but that’s just lies I tell you. I wouldn’t start off this series by asking someone about why they are related to something they despise. So in today’s post, I am interviewing a friendly junior staff! Continue reading

Veteran’s Lounge: Elpiojo123

ZIPLINE, Scorp’s Office – Welcome to the Veterans Lounge, brought to you by the Cheesiest Demon, The Scorpiest Mac…. MAISIE AND SCORP! The Help Force has been alive for more than four years now. In the these four years, so many people joined our army and left their mark on it. We know them as veterans, or “boomers that been here too long.” Each week we will be interviewing our valued veterans, where they look back on their leadership, sharing memories, advice and secrets (like how to retire)! This week, I had the pleasure of interviewing the literal manifestation of chaos. He shares a priceless secret at the very end of the interview!

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Faces of the Force – Elia the Frog

Welcome back to this week’s Faces of the Force! This week we have a special new member of Help Force. He is an active new face who is showing promising enthusiasm and commitment! He is also steadily ranking up and could potentially become your new best buddy! Introducing this week to the Faces of the Force, Elia the Frog!

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