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Faces of the Force – Elia the Frog

Welcome back to this week’s Faces of the Force! This week we have a special new member of Help Force. He is an active new face who is showing promising enthusiasm and commitment! He is also steadily ranking up and could potentially become your new best buddy! Introducing this week to the Faces of the Force, Elia the Frog!

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Faces of the Force – Winter Storm

Welcome back Helpers to another week in the Face of the Force! We are introducing a special member, a recruiting legend, and a super friendly face! You would have seen their work, floating around as a sticker or a banner. They are one of the creative designers of the Help Force! Introducing the legendary Winter Storm!

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Faces of the Force – Tunaa

Welcome back helpers to this week’s Face of the Force! This week we are interviewing a special face, someone who is up and running to help win in battles. She’s one of few who hypes up the chat and you could not miss her presence. Introducing this week’s amazing member, Tunaa!

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Faces of the Force – Walver

Welcome back fellow helpers to another week of Face of the Force! I would like to introduce a familiar face, one you have seen floating around. He’s one of the active bodies in the staff and hosts many fun events. He has been titled Gamer of the Week and also a recruiting legend. You can see him often coming after Winter Storm, another recruiting legend. Introducing the one and only, Walver!

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Faces of the Force – Sen

Welcome back fellow Helpers of Help Force! Faces of the Force is back to introduce another special member. This member of the Force is a climbing leader that will never fail to salute you. He gets lost daydreaming about characters of his (ask him about them if curious). He is the sweetest listening ear, hand, and eyes of the Help Force. Let’s give our warmest welcome to a member of Junior Staff, Lord Sen!

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Faces of the Force – Rev

We are back with another weekly Faces of the Force! This time around we would like to introduce you to a very special guest! This week we have cordially invited rev, a familiar face in Help Force who you see many times talking to everyone!

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Faces of the Force – Delitager

Here we are, another week, another Face of the Force! Today we have a special introduction to an amazing person in the Help Force. Introducing an artist, a muse, the greatest and most fabulous Delitager!

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[AUSIA] The Greatest Primal

Hey hey! Today we finally enjoyed an event that we’ve been ready for since millions of years. We logged on to the server Ascent for the Great Primal Event!

As we logged in, we warped back in time to prehistoric times, donning some tribal chieftain and caveguin outfits. After some time spent in the Town, we moved to the docks, saw an asteroid, and formed a comet cult to worship it. Unfortunately, our camera malfunctioned and only some parts of it had traveled back into the past. Hence, in our event pics, you can see the prehistoric versions of troops but the rest of the room looks just the same. During the event, some caveguins got jealous and started squabbling over who’s igloo was the best. And so we had an igloo contest!

We also performed some advanced tactics and formations to impress the stone age penguins. Unfortunately, we missed the size goal by 2 penguins. Thank you for attending the event, a huge thanks for leading, Ayan, and hope you had fun at the Igloo Contest!

MAX: 56+

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Food For Every Soul


Helloooo Helpers!!! Welcome to the first edition of Food for Every Soul a series by Amy and I where we interview people from Help Force about their favourite and famous recipes! For our first ever post, we decided to interview the amazing, sweet, cat/rat loving, our favourite Commander Nell!!

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged on to CPRewritten for some battle training! We did fun tactics, emotes, and beautiful formations! The Event was led by Slush, Skillz, Ru and Joe! Amazing Job today helpers! See you all at the battle! 

MAX: 40+

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