ZIPLINE, Administrator Headquarters — As the voting season comes to an end, we bring to you the results of the coveted Help Force 13.
HF “13” — Summer Session 2021 [VOTING]
ZIPLINE, Help Force HQ — As summer ends, and life pushes people back into their daily routines, the Help Force administration is excited to begin the induction process of the HF 13 title.
Force Arcadium: The Beginning
Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.
3 years, 3 months, 13 days. Over these past few years Help Force has grown into a community with thousands of people from all over the world. This community has seen some ups and downs, but through it all, we’ve always stood united and never given up. In order to make our dream come true, we’ve officially decided to expand our discord into the gaming universe and we created —
The Force Arcadium.
The HF De-lice-ious Awards 2021 — [Voting]
Krunker Khaos Tournament
SHIPYARD, HF Krunker Headquarters — Gamers, unite! As we aim to host events in several games, it’s time for something new and exciting. We’re proud to announce that we will be hosting the first-ever Krunker tournament.
Ding Ding, Karma’s Here.
Do not steal from someone you cannot outrun.
ZIPLINE, Help Force Empire — In an unexpected turn of events, the Silver Empire has resorted to explicitly NSFW penguin images as a way to prove their innocence and reiterate the great and friendly environment they have in their army. Let’s dive into this joke of a response, shall we?
The Silver Rush
You wanted war, so we bring you one.
The Help Force has ignored the disrespect and the comedic attitude shown by the Silver Empire for too long, and will not stand for it any further.
As of this moment,
the Help Force officially declares war on the Silver Empire.
Administration Statement: March Madness Verdict
Administration Statement:
Regarding the verdict of the March-Madness Semi-Finals
“There’s no bias when it comes to facts, and there’s no bias when it comes to decency.”
ZIPLINE, Help Force HQ — It has been over 36 hours since we battled the Ice Warriors in the March Madness Semi-Finals, organized by CPAHQ. Both armies gave their best in the battle, but our best was better, and the judges couldn’t see it for what it was: a Help Force victory. We were disappointed with the judgement and thus asked for a review of the battle in the hopes of an overturn. Sadly, the organization failed to uphold its morals as well as serve true justice. However, what has recently come to light has alarmed us to the extent that we cannot turn a blind eye to it anymore.
Updated HF Uniform: August 2021
Hey Helpers!
As you all know, CPRewritten is now our primary CPPS and all possible events will be held on this particular game. Knowing the Advanced Uniform cannot be obtained because of CPR’s catalogues being different and unavailable as well.
The Sapphire System
Good day to everyone!
Hope you are doing well and happy to know that 2021 has begun in good spirits!