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Food for Every Soul


Heyyy Helpers!!! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul, a series by myself where I interview people from Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes! For this post, I decided to interview the demon, dedicated, achiever, passionate, and inspirational HF Admiral: Scorp!!!  Continue reading


Hey Helpers! Welcome to HF Insight!

Table of Contents

  • What’s been Happening
  • Week in Short
  • GOTW Statement
  • Army Statistics for the Week
  • HF Insight Insider Information

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Greetings everyone! On Saturday we logged onto CPR for the Zipline [AUS] BATTLE: RICE WARRIORS! At the battle, we dominated with such a performance, for the battle was a great success! Thank you everyone for coming, thank you Wynn and Snowy for leading, and congratulations to all the new promotions!

MAX: 45+

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Greetings everyone! On Sunday we logged onto CPR for the Zipline OPERATION: HELL IN A BELL! At the event, we waddled around many rooms to have fun and practice! The event was a great success! Thank you everyone for coming, thank you Yoda, Scorpion Demon, Staff, and ROOBOO for leading, and congratulations to all the new promotions!

MAX: 27+

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Greetings everyone! On Sunday we logged onto CPR for the Ascent OPERATION: HEREDITARY! At the event, we waddled around multiple rooms for fun and preparation for the AUSIA Tournament! The event was a great success! Thank you everyone for coming, thank you Mandal, Ivelkov, RU, Scorpion Demon, Desireus, and ROOBOO for leading, and congratulations to all the new promotions!

MAX: 28+

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Greetings everyone! On Sunday we logged onto CPR for the Crystal New Year Bonzana! At the event, we battled amongst numerous different armies and we got third place! The event was a great success! Thank you everyone for coming, thank you Scorpion Demon, Mayathefirst, and ROOBOO for leading and congratulations to all the winners!

MAX: 23+

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Food for Every Soul

Hello Helpers!!! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul, a series by myself where I interview people from Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes! For this post, I decided to interview an energetic, helpful, friendly, funny HF Dynasty/Captain Komal! Continue reading

Food for Every Soul

Hello Helpers!!! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul, a series by myself where I interview people from Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes! For this post, I decided to interview a sweet, funny, active, hardworking HF First Lieutenant: Se!

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Greetings fellow Helpers of the force! Today we logged onto Zipline of Club Penguin Rewritten to have our last event of the year! It was amazing and touching to reunite altogether for the last event and yet make it beyond special! Led by staff, junior staff, and troops; we had so much fun so thank you to everyone who participated!

Max: 48+

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