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Animal Interview – Roxy

Hey Helpers! Welcome to another post of the Animal Interview, in which I interview the Helpers about their pets and get to know more about them.

Today, I’m going to interview one of the ACP Veteran, and that is known as Roxy!? Today, I’m going to ask her a few of questions about her pet! If you do want to participate in this series, just DM f0xyy_p1ayzz with a photo of your animal and some details about it!

Hello Roxy, how are you today!!

I’m doing gooddd wbu foxy

That’s great to hear! I’m great! Thanks for asking
I’ve heard that you have a pet animal, is that right?


and yes you heard correct !! I have a dog and she’s a Maltese
Sounds like a cute dog, may I get a photo and a bit of description of her?
She has a little bit of brown on both sides of her ear, and she’s white as you can see She’s turning 3 this coming April 1st ahah and she really hates it if we do ANYTHING to her fur.
Is that a sheep? ,
Joking, Awww she looks soo cute and especially fluffy!
Oh yea totally her ancestors are sheeps, and they just slowly evolved as dogs
Haha, thats great to hear!
I do have couple questions for your dog
For the first question, I would like to ask for her name if you don’t mind answering
Oh yes I’m so dumb I didn’t include that in the description BYEAHJSHGA
her name is Isabella
but you can call her Bella for short
That’s a lovely name to call it your maltese!
My second question will have to be, What food does Bella like to eat?
Oh she’s very Asian, she loves rice for some reason
certified desi fr
I think I’m falling in love with your dog, besides the point that she loves rice . haha
Honestly, who wouldn’t?
I’m sorryyy
You’re cancelled
Nooooo 🙁
For my third question, I would absolutely love to ask if you prefer dogs or cats and why?
My question for you is HOW CAN YOU MAKE SOMEONE PICK BETWEEN THEM? Like honestly I can’t
you can’t make me pick between them, both of them are very cute
Although, you can make me pick between humans and pets.
I think the answer is quite obvious
I agree with you that they are both cute, I wish I had my dogs back
This will be a great question to ask so why not make it my 4th question!
Oh I’m so sorry to hear that about your dogs 🙁
It’s alrightt
Roxy, for my fourth question I would like to ask if you would prefer Humans or Pets?
AHAHAH pets over humans any day. The world is too corrupted that you end up being corrupted with it Pets make it sm easier, they are always there to support you. It’s just amazing how they can sense your emotions, especially when you’re down.
I’d like to personally visit the people who choose humans over pets
like are you mentally okay?

I would always choose pets over humans.

Is there anyone who wouldn’t?
I don’t know haha
Roxy, unfortunately time has come for this interview to end, thank you for participating in today’s interview. And remember to look after Bella >:(
Have a great day Roxy!
HAVE A GREAT DAY TOO ! and always will take care of bella dw heh

That’s it for today folks, BUT I will be back in a week! 🙂 If you do want to be in a blog like this, why not DM f0xyy_p1ayzz with a picture of your animal and some details about it? See you next time and take care!

Your Answer (no email required)