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Animal Interview – Yoda

Hey Helpers! Welcome to another post of the Animal Interview, in which I interview the Helpers about their pets and get to know more about themImage


Today, I’m going to interview one of our Leader in training, Yoda and I’m going to ask Him couple of questions about his pets! If you want to participate in this series, just DM f0xyy_p1ayzz with a photo of your animal and some details about it!

Hello Yoda! How are you today?

I’m evading taxes at the moment.
How is your day going?
I’m glad that you are evading taxes 😀 But apart from that I’m good. So, we know that you have a cat called Shadow.
May I ask you some questions about Shadow?

How do you know that
Oh right i leave my door unlocked.

have magic people lurking in your house.

Yes you may have some questions about my monke brother like cat shadow.

For my first question I would like to ask you when and how did you get Shadow?
around march if I remember correctly, he was this small cute and innocent.
Shadow is lovely cat as I can see.

now he is a bit fat and attacks on enemy armiesImage

Aww! That’s so cute. Infact, I have a similar cat to shadow.

What kind of food does Shadow like to eat?
Only his food
Treat foods
Sometimes fly.
What is shadow’s favourite thing to do?
To sleep and drink water.
That is a brilliant thing to do. To be honest I might live like shadow; But the thing is I would not eat flies.
Im trying to teach him how to give cookies now still no improvement.
Cookies with ketchup? 🍪
Well this Interview has come to an end,

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