Hello Folks! Today we a great fun CPAB at our Hunger Games themed event! Desireus and Plotter led plenty of tactics at the Ice Rink and at the Dojo, after them, we hosted massive HG in the server. Congratulations Katie and Earthly for eliminating other tributes and winning, hope everyone had fun! See you at the next Sunday Megaevent!

MAX: 30+

Comment below if you attended!

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13 Responses

  1. i attended @ katiee#6455

  2. I attended -Awesomeinvader101#9772

  3. i attended and lost


  4. Amazing event, really made me hungry!!

  5. Attended. 😀
    Thank you for hosting <3

  6. I attended! User: ELIA#0001

  7. I attended 😃
    Discord user: LunaRay21

  8. Ronny attended

  9. great event

  10. I attended

  11. eshal i am
    gib food

  12. […] started off the week while being tributes for [AUSIA] OPERATION: HUNGRY GAMES that had a max of 30+! Led by Desi and Plotter, it was truly amazing! I also congratulate Katie and […]

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