Welcome Merry Helpers! Hope you all enjoyed the Missing Christmas takeover that we had today on CPAB. Thank you for leading the tactics Nervous and Javi, Maya and Wynn and thank you everyone for joining us!

MAX: 20+


Comment below if you attended!

Unleash the Power of Helping!
Help Force Commander

11 Responses

  1. I attended! IGN: Elia Discord User: ELIA#0001

  2. Attended. Thanks for hosting. <3

  3. it’s not christman

  4. someone stole my present there

  5. i attended

  6. attended

  7. lowkey was starting to miss christmas

  8. I attended! Ty for hosting

  9. i attended @skeppy08 / @katiee#6455

  10. attended

  11. i attended

Your Answer (no email required)