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Dreams And Aspirations

The New Year has begun, Comrades! Thus begins the month of accidentally writing 2021 instead of 2022 in your dates. To start this year off on a fresh, positive note, I have compiled the New Year Resolutions of a few Help Force members!

Wynn: Dominate Top Ten and raise funds to but the vending machine, the last one broke before it was restocked

Snowy: my resolution is to learn guitar

Alex: to make my stealing record clean again

Maya: My new year resolutions would be spending more time with family and friends, going out in the world and exploring new things to do and see. Also to not worry too much and enjoy the moments happening now and praying for a good future too for myself and everyone.

Amelia: My New Years resolutions would be to stop feeling like I have to continuously prove my worthiness of existence, just be me and be content with that. I also want to start back my old hobby I did when I was a kid of figure skating

Plotter: I aim to be better myself by being more accepting and less harsh towards my own actions

ROOBOO: I want to learn how to love and bond more across oceans and help HF rise to heights it has never reached before.. not by me alone, not by staff alone, but by every single person around. It’s all about inspiring the staff to serve others and bringing the army together, for HF will dominate the Top Ten and every other aspect it shines within. Begin new, creative, and fun activities for the community and let along pursue how to help the army grow even more and influence the staff and troops to truly understand their purpose here.

Sam Chilles: My new year’s resolution is that I will fix my sleeping schedule which is currently messed up badly because of Help Force, hit gym daily, will stick to good lifestyle habits, learn new things. Overall, I will try to improve myself in all aspects and get closer towards becoming an ultimate alpha male.

Nell: I hope that every person and I myself understand our true value to the world

Mandal: My new years resolutions for this year are: to get back to exercising a lot lot more, to have much better time management with things to do with studies and to start things much earlier when it comes to that, to practise gratitude regularly, probs everyday, to read more, to meditate regularly, probs everyday, and to journal more often about goals i wanna set, and to waste less time in life, and to connect even more with friends and family

Ru: Loose weight and get fit, get healthy! Serve people as much as I can.. Look forward to coming out of the phase I was in!

Vixx: ig just simple things, less doubting myself, more believing, worry less about things i can’t control, eat healthy, learn something new, fix my sleep schedule which i been trying to do since forever LOL, idk nothing to deep. DO WELL IN EXAMS

Snowflake: For HF i would like to write more & throw more snowballs, as in real life i hope i can read more books self improve

Thank you all for reading! Do send your new year resolutions in the comments section below 😀


HF Admiral 

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