[EU] Practice Battle with IW

Heyo Helpers!
Today we logged into CPArmies for another practice battle against Ice Warriors. The Practice battle was on the Alsaka server within the rooms, Inside Mine, Iceberg & Docks. The Battle was led by our leaders Barnito and Hannah with a result of 3-0 win for the Ice Warriors.

Awesome work today helpers!!


Comment below for points!!!

Unleash the Power of Helping!!

27 Responses

  1. i attended- urkugs

  2. I attended, thanks for hosting!

  3. I came! As BTS21! Thank you for hosting

  4. Victory or Defeat, Help Force will always remain Best Force!
    CPA and Discord: Sam Chilles

  5. I attended too – Josh

  6. I was there!! Love You guys!!!

  7. I attended! – aquapeach

  8. Attended and had a really good time lol. Ty for hosting!

  9. I attended

  10. I was there

  11. i attended! Penguin name’s GojiraMosura and Username on discord is Anish

  12. I attended! Thanks so much for hosting!
    CPArmies username: Roseclaws

  13. Attended- Chloe3

  14. Attended!

  15. I attended – Vortre

  16. attended Dawnables

  17. I attended!

  18. I attended
    CPA: Ireco

  19. Planet was there!!!

  20. I attended

  21. I attended, it was a very COOL battle.:hehe:

  22. I attended

  23. It was a Great Battle Thank You for Hosting 🙂 .

  24. i was there 🙂 thx for hosting!

  25. I attended! So much fun as always 😀

  26. I attended

  27. I came!

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