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HF Insight: The Power of AUSIA!

Hey there! Welcome to the HF Insight, or HFI for short! Last week we went through a server revamp! We also got our website better and had an amazing time! Let’s take a look at all this!

The HF Insight will be about the previous Weekend along with the following Week. (i.e. Saturday-Friday) 

Saturday, 29th February 2020

Its a leap day, not a break day! We had an amazing day with a practice battle against ACP for the [EU] Division! We maxed 30+ Penguins but couldn’t take the steal! find out more about the event by clicking here or here!

Sunday, 1st March 2020

We had our branch battles scheduled for today in our usual [EU] timings! With a change of having 5 rooms instead of 3 here were the results!!

Room 1: Yellow Chilis entered the room fastest and performed exceptional bombs and better forms to beat the opponent in the first room. They defied a lesser max to win against the odds.
Room 2: However, the story changed as Hot Sauce really turned up the heat, excelling in all key categories and sweeping this room clean. This leveled the scores.
Room 3: The Mine Shack saw an equal entrance, with the Chili’s displaying better emoji tactics and Hot Sauce being innovative with words. Overall, Hot Sauce’s bombs were better here and they win the 3rd room.
Room 4: Hot Sauce then stormed into the Book Room with a powerful Hello bomb that tore apart any hopes of the Chili’s winning the room. Team Yellow fought back regardless, and despite better formations and emoji tactics in this room, they were well beaten.
Room 5: Despite Yellow Chilis having a huge max advantage, they still had to work for this win. Yellow Chilis entered well and their word tactics were strong, but Hot Sauce‘s powerful bombs and Emojis once again saw them win the room.

We saw an astonishing win by the Hot Sauce team on that day! The Current Situation of the Hot Sauce and Yellow Chili Branch Battles have a score of 2-1 for the Hot Sauce team!!

Monday, 2nd March 2020

We had one event for today and it was held for the [US] Division! It was the [US] Spider Takeover! It was hosted by our wonderful 4ic Kendall a.k.a Sleepy! They maxed a total of 25+ Helpers!!

Tuesday, 3rd March 2020

Wednesday welcomed our first Operation for the week and gave us 2 events! They were the [EU] Operation: Flourish and the [US] Dance Party!

The [EU] Maxed a total of 12+ Helpers and was hosted by our Koala lover Hannah
The [US] Maxed a total of 30+ Helpers and was hosted by none other than Komal(flypin)!

Wednesday, 4th March 2020

There was one event scheduled for today and it was the [AUSIA] Operation: Triumph
It was hosted by Jayden with a max of 5+

This was probably the worst AUSIA had done in a long time and things weren’t looking so bright for them. But oh well, we saw a brand new tactic form which had multiple fails but let’s not talk about that!

Thursday, 5th March 2020

2 Events were scheduled for today! They were the [EU] Go Green Event and the [US] Operation: Heighten
The EU event showed us a max of 25!! It was hosted by the koala girl, Hannah!
The US event had a max of 20+! It wasn’t the best the US division had gotten but it was surely great! It was hosted by our favourite gal Kendall.

Friday, 6th March 2020

2 More events today woohoo!!! There was an [AUSIA] and an [US] Event!!
The [AUSIA] Pizza Party Event was hosted by the one and only Juanita who is finally back after her exams! She tossed Pizzas and also tossed AUSIA and hot them to log on and get a max of 18+. Now if this isn’t AUSIA power, I don’t know what is.

The [US] Orange Propeller Takeover! As we seen the penguins fly around in propeller hats obviously being hosted by our one and only Fly a.k.a Komal we also saw a huge max of 30+!

I believe we can consider Friday as our best Event day yet!

Comment down below about what your favourite event was and even put in your feedback and suggestions for a cookie!!



GoTW Interview
Dated: 2/3/2020

This week we interviewed Alexei, our recent GoTW who has been a long time lurker but was never CP active! This week she powered through by attending segments after segments and events and even hosted a few! Yes, she isn’t a managing officer, but she has very good people skills and boy was I excited to interview her!

1)How does it feel to be the GoTW
2) What is your custom command?
3) How long have you been a part of the HF
4) Do you plan on getting any higher ranks other than GoTW like Lieutenant?
5) What do you have to say to the helpers who trying their best to get GoTW
6) Anything else you wanna add?

1. It feels cool! I feel popular LOL
2. I don’t have one yet! Probably “Ok Alexei” Haha
3. I’ve been part of HF since CPO but I’ve only recently been active!
4. I definitely plan on getting higher ranks, it’s fun to compete with everyone, especially FutureShark!
5. It’s never too late! Be active and have fun with the events!
6. Ummm.. probably just that I’m really grateful for HF! I never expected to have this much fun!!

Leaders on the Rise
Dated: 4/3/2020

We had an interview with SharkFromTheFuture, a person we interviewed last week for the GoTW! This time we interviewed her for the Leaders on the Rise section since she has been very active lately!

1) Hey Shark! how long have you been in HF for?
2) What is your current rank?
3) Do you think you can get to GoTW again?
4) What do you think about the HF Army?
5) Anything else you would like to say to the helpers?

1. Hello Jayden!! I’ve been in HF for two and a half weeks now.
2. I am currently an Elite helper and a Supreme Cadet.
3. Maybe! Probably not within the next to weeks as I’m gonna be a bit busier than usual, however.
4. Since HF is in the process of rebuilding (I think) it’s still relatively small compared to the other armies. However, this size comes in handy because we all become pretty close and warm with one another (for the most part, sometimes there are disagreements). But the events are very fun and the segs are pretty fun if u let them be fun as well. It really has enriched my CP playtime!
5. I would like to tell the helpers to not be afraid to talk in chat! Sometimes things look a lot overwhelming but it does calm down at times! Also just participate! It lets u gain access to other events sometimes, which is nice. So just be nice and open, and make sure to help out at times!



Inside the HF Insight Insider Info

We recruited a total of 68 Helpers from 29 Feb-6 March!! Welcome, all you new amazing helpers!!
If you have any insights about HF make sure you DM me!

Well, that’s all we have for today! Join us next week as we take a look at the wonderful events that unfold with a probable new segment! Keep unleashing the power of helping!

Issue #6

9 Responses

  1. Cookie! 😀
    And again, lovely post! GJ Jay!

  2. uhhh now!

  3. great insight! don’t forget… cookie force!!

  4. nice wrap up of the week!! yay ausia on the rise 😀

  5. Nice post jay jay -an

  6. When About

  7. A great HF-Insight like always jayden ^^ ,also gj using the right pronouns for shark lol

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