Office Inspection: Elp is the Greatest

Welcome to the Grand Finale.. The Office Inspection all of you have been waiting for, today we are here with Elp The Greatest.

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Office Inspection: Rooboo

After inspecting Maya’s poor office, I decided to raise the bar a little and then I have called Rooboo. He wouldn’t reject me of course! But I am not going to lie I wasn’t expecting this until he suspiciously welcomed me to his duengon.. 

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Office Inspection: Maya

After inspecting Snowy’s office I decided to inspect her twin Oreo Maya’s “office” if you can call it an office of course! Was her office sus? Did she steal from the commanders? Does she keep ketchups? That’s what we hope to learn today…

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Office Inspection: Snowy

Snowy’s Office to some is a trend and to some is reality. What you don’t know is that this office in particular has went through a lot. From Snowy trying to clean her office to the admins chaotically ruining it for her. Not only that, but the office has also been through sale and finally has been burned down. With Snowy’s retirement, I’ll be talking you through scenes of some of the incidents that have happened through the journey of the long-gone Snowy’s Office. Will it ever come back? That’s the question we all want the answer for. Continue reading


Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for a huge puffles takeover! Before we moved to have fun in other rooms, we did some tactics at Town. Thank you for leading Diwix, RU, Alex, Yoda and Plotter!

MAX: 39+ 

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Greetings everyone! On Sunday we logged onto CPR for the Zipline OPERATION: HELL IN A BELL! At the event, we waddled around many rooms to have fun and practice! The event was a great success! Thank you everyone for coming, thank you Yoda, Scorpion Demon, Staff, and ROOBOO for leading, and congratulations to all the new promotions!

MAX: 27+

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Hey Helpers! Today is Juanita Day! so to celebrate we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for a Crab themed eventWe performed some amazing tactics and formations lead by Joe, Wynn, Snowflake, Yoda, and AbsoluteTrash across the Town, Beach, and Iceberg . Thank you all for attending!

MAX: 35+

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Hi there Helpers! today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten – Abominable server for this music note themed event! We performed some stunning formations and tactics lead by Wynn, Mandal, Scorp, Trash, and Yoda! Thank you all for attending!

MAX: 32+

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Hey Lads! Today we all logged onto CP Rewritten, Server -Ascent, for yet another Team Fire vs Team Water battles. Team Fire was led my Rooboo, Mantiuxx, Diwix and Yoda, whereas their rivals Team Water was led by Javi, Kenzie and AbsoluteTrash. This time around, in another rare occasion, Team Fire proved to dominate over their counterparts and clinch the win, in a 2-0 victory over them, the 3rd room being a draw. Team Fire definitely put up a pretty good fight this time! Until next time lads, keep seeing you all around in big events, battles and games in Help Force!

Max: 30+

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GoTW #141

Working hard on his way to Staff, Master Yoda just won his third and amazing Gamer of The Week title! He now successfully earned his GoTW Specialist Role! He has shown his true potential <3 Yoda will most likely be in chat every day chatting and having fun and everyone just loves his energy 😀 Well done, Yoda! I know you have more great things to accomplish!!