Hello Comrades! Today Help Force logged on to CPRewritten with the Vengeance alliance for our defense of Jackhammer. However, due to the absence of judges, Silver Empire’s invasion was rendered invalid and we decided to have some fun instead. After a brief training led by Sanya and Jayden, we moved on to an amazing igloo raid! The event was a huge success, a huge thanks to everyone who attended and to Jayden for leading.

Make sure to comment your Discord name and army rank below if you attended this event! 

MAX: 29+ 

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The Tabber Twins: A War of Terms

“A criminal is twice a criminal when he adds hypocrisy to his crime” —Marie Corelli

Aren’t the criminals in our society ever so outrageous? Stepping out into the sunlight bolder than decent men, going around committing crimes believing they will never be caught, and at the same time pretending they still have the tiniest sliver of morals.

The Help Force hereby officially accepts the Water Vikings’ declaration of war. 

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Hello Lovely Help Force Today we Help Force logged on to CPRewritten with our brothers from the Army of Club Penguin and Red Ravagers and successfully invaded Snow Angel, a server belonged to our enemies the Silver Empire. The Battle was led by Sanya, Scorp and Diwix.
Thank you to all who participated and congratulations Help Force on another astounding victory.

MAX 32+

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Faces of the Force – Sophie Sapphire


Hey Helpers! Welcome back to Faces of the Force, the series where a new helper is interviewed as we get to know them better! This week’s interviewee is none other than Sophie Sapphire!

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Howdy Helpers! Another week, another battle, another server invaded! 😀 Today we logged on to Club Penguin Rewritten once again to battle Silver Empire. Outnumbering them, we successfully claimed the Winter Way server and made it part of our glorious Motherland! Thank you, Maya, Scorp, Diwix, Vedant for leading and thank you guys for attending! Thank you, brothers, ACP and RR for your support! We got our vengeance!
See you soon!

Max: 30+

Comment below if you attended!


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Song of the Week #2

Hello helpers, Plotter is here with another song of the week!! It is from our adorable junior staff member, Javi! She suggested a song of a very interesting genre that people rarely venture into. The song name is ‘Russian’ from Caravan Palace.

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Get To Know Your Staff – Phoenix

*angry fire bird noises* Welcome to Get To Know Your Staff! Today, we are here visiting the site of the historic volcanic eruption in our glorious gracious motherland. As some of you might know, yesterday, the entire Help Force server caught on fire. Continue reading

Faces of the Force – Mantiuxx


Hey Helpers! Welcome back to Faces of the Force, the series where a new helper is interviewed as we get to know them better! For the return of this series, I am pleased to introduce the first person to be interviewed – Mantiuxx!

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Get To Know Your Staff: Lady Wynnifred Ashgrow of Pikke

Welcome back to the series Get To Know Your Staff, traveler. This series focuses on taking a look at our hard working staff team and providing readers a glimpse into their lives. In the previous post we met with Vixxy, who still holds the title of the newest staff member. Let us move ahead, shall we? Continue reading


Howdy, dear Helping Frien-.. I mean Helpers! Our first battle this month was against Ice Warriors! We had a blast while having a huge event between Team Pizza and Team Coffee! The rooms included the Beach, Inside Mine and Cove! Thank you Maya, Snowy and Amelia for leading! Thank you everyone for attending! And thank you Kitty for serving thin-crust pizza from us 😀 Hope you had fun and see you next time!

Max: 31+

Comment below if you attended!


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