Hello Helpers! Welcome to a new web series called… Arcadium Times! This is where I will be talking about what has been hosted within the Help Force Arcadium from one week ago!
Arcadium Times
Arcadium Times
Hello Helpers! Welcome to a new web series called… Arcadium Times! This is where I will be talking about what has been hosted within the Help Force Arcadium from one week ago!
End of the Year Awards 2021 – RESULTS
ZIPLINE, Nelly’s Broccoli Garden — Howdy Helpers! It’s been more than a week since we brought to you the categories and the nominees for the End of the Year Awards 2021. After a few exciting days of tallying the votes, I’m finally here to show you the results!
Howdy Helpers! How are you doing on this fine day? I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and remember to relax too! We’re surely getting our part of the fun! Today we logged on CPRewritten on server Ascent to celebrate commander Nell’s birthday! cough that’s me hehe 😀 cough We put on our finest party items, best dresses, suits and even pizza outfits like Snowy xD, and went out to party! thank you Maya, Wynnie, ROOBOO, Snowy and Phoenix for leading! And a huge thank you to everyone for attending <3 I couldn’t have wished for a better way to spend my birthday 😀
MAX: 36+
Comment below your thoughts about our event!
Howdy, Helpers! We got news for you all :O Herbert P. Bear has been spotted on the Club Penguin Rewritten Island again and this time with a lot more recruits! They walked through different rooms and were sure they could take over the island, but fortunately, they didn’t xD Thank you, guys, for attending, we had a lot of fun and thank you, Alex, Scorp, Diwix and Maya for leading this takeover 😉
MAX: 32+
Comment below if you attended!
Help Force Drawing Contest – Results
This past week, the Help Force Drawing Contest was hosted and the winners were decided after some tough judging. I, myself would have given everyone the first place xD. I want to thank everyone for taking the time to create and submit such beautiful pieces of art! From paintings and drawings on paper to digital art, all submissions were splendid! Well done!
Greetingssssssss! Today we logged on CPR – Ascent for a very historical event! Led by Maya, Scorp, Absolute, Nelly, and Rooboo; we waddled through the town, Snow Forts, and Ice Berg! Get a chance to see highlights of today’s event and hopefully you can come attend and experience the next one!
Max: 33+
Comment below if you attended the event!