Howdy, Partner! Today we rode into the distant western lands of Sheriff Speely! That is, we logged on to CPR for the return of the Wild West. Riding across the map in our dark blue colors, we asserted our dominance in the US time zone. The perfect tactics and formations lead by Ayan, Barnito, Joe, and RooBoo went a long way to make sure we had a great time! A huge thank you to everyone who came, and don’t forget to check out Sunday’s mega event! Hope to see ya’ll there, meanwhile enjoy the special moments of this event. Thank you all for attending!
– Scorpion Demon
[AUSIA] U-Lead: Mine Abomination
Hi Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for a splendid U-Lead event! We started at the Town wearing Miners Hats and then moved to Iceberg, Inside Mine and Cave Mine. Every member who had volunteered did a few tactics! Congratulations everyone for the amazing job and thank you for coming! Till the next time!
Max: 60+
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The Great Adventure
Nothing. I’m too lazy to go on an adventure… however, I can tell you about an interesting story I heard today. It happened to my friend, his Discord name is Ruubuu#9101! I swear he’s real, he even has a Chris Evans pfp. He’s a huge foodie, loves eating chicken and pizzas and absolutely loathes Pina Coladas. *cue song: Escape (The Pina Colada Song) by Rupert Holmes*. Now that we have established the identity of our hero, let’s move on to the main story, in Ruubuu’s own words!
Greetingssssssss! Today we had a 3-Way Battle between Team Fire, Team Water, and Red Ravagers in the Ice Berg! Dominating the battle, we had a very cool and huge Hide and Seek after and it was mainly staff vs troops and staff won woohoo! Get a chance to see highlights of today’s battle and event and it will be really amazing to come check an upcoming one!
Max: 40+
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Rainbow’s Catalog Guide – May 2021
Welcome back, Helpers! Here we have another Catalog Guide of Rainbow’s, this time Prehistoric style! Tune in to see May’s Catalog Guide, especially where to find the different Letterman Jackets!
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Know Your Ally – Army of CP
Hey guys! Welcome to HF’s newest column: Know Your Ally! A series to learn and know more about our wonderful allies! Starting off, we’re interviewing our brother ally, ARMY OF CLUB PENGUIN [ACP]
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Lydia’s Dairy Diary
Content de te revoir! It’s good to be back and writing another entry in the website’s greatest series. This week I’ll be discussing my new best friend, my exams. Introducing a new section of the series and a new ski story.
Agents of HF Troops! Alert! 3 Puffles from the Zipline Headquarters have escaped! The Detectives of Help Force finally took action and logged onto Ascent, waddled through many rooms, and looked for the 3 missing Puffles! Led and guided by our Chief Detective Joe, we successfully found the 3 missing Puffles in the Pet Shop, Night Club, and Inside Mine!
Max: 35+
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CPA Today
The HF Beacon
ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon! After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!
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