Hello and welcome everyone! Today we are having a new twist for the By Anonymous post, some helpers have sent new anonymous messages to some of their friends in the Community, and their friends got the chance to guess who wrote it for them!
Office Inspection: Rooboo
After inspecting Maya’s poor office, I decided to raise the bar a little and then I have called Rooboo. He wouldn’t reject me of course! But I am not going to lie I wasn’t expecting this until he suspiciously welcomed me to his duengon..
Dynasty House: The Legendary Helpers – Elpiojo123
Hey Helpers! Today on the Dynasty House series we will be doing something different from the usual posts. In this part of the series we will be interviewing Help Force Veterans that got the privilege to be considered HF Legends in their Hall of Fame. Today’s guest is someone special to everyone in the community for sure, the one and only, the greatest, Elpiojo123.
The HF Beacon
ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon. After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!
Help Force Daily: 5 Strong Years Anniversary in the Mines
Hello Helpers! Today on the Help Force Daily, we are going to talk a bit about how last week went and let me just say it was a fantastic week in which we celebrated the Help Force anniversary. How did it go? Read the post to find out.
Animal Interview – Zenishira
Greetings Helpers! Welcome to the Animal interview in this series I will be doing interviews every two weeks. if you want to participate in this series, just Dm F0xyy_P1ayzz#1418 with a photo of your animal and some details about it!
The Dynasty House – NervousZippo
Hey there lovely Helpers! As we celebrate the Help Force anniversary, let us continue this series of interviewing Dynasty, in which I interview the people who did their best to keep the Help Force running till this day. Today our guest is a lovely person who keeps bullying their friends and they never gets bullied in return, totally…! uhm Anyways welcome today’s guest, NervousZippo!