Holiday Party 2020 Walkthrough for Club Penguin Rewritten!

Holiday Party 2020 Walkthrough – Club Penguin Rewritten

Hello, festive penguins! It’s me Skillz in Blogger Form. A new party has dawned upon us. It’s none other than the Holiday Partyyy. Get in the “jingly” mood with the CP Help Force with tons of battles and events!

Let’s begin with all the cheats, shall we?

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August 2020 Penguin Style – Secrets!

Heyo Helpers!!

today I will be showing you where to find all the new secrets in the august 2020 penguin style catalog!!

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[AUSIA] Unscheduled Stamp Event

Heyo friendly helpers!!

Today we logged in for an unscheduled stamp heist!! We collected many stamps on both HF island as well as CPRwritten we also did some tactics and formations practice for future takeovers. This event was lead by both barney and nelly and they did an amazing job. I would love to see more of you attend in the future!!



Max: 47+

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[AUSIA] Unscheduled Stamp Event

Heyyo friendly helpers!
today we logged in to collect some stamps, We waddled around both HF island and CPR! It was an awesome event and many stamps were collected. We also did some amazing tactics to end the event all lead by the amazing Barnito and myself!!

I am super proud of our amazing work today!!




we would love to see more of you at events in the future!

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[EU] Dance Party

Hey Helpers! Today the EU Division logged onto CPR for a Dance Party! The Event took place at the Blizzard Nightclub and was led by Hannah. The Helpers saw the Nightclub change into many different colors and a wide range of stamps were earned, Good Job Helpers!

MAX: 45+

Make sure you comment below for promotions! Continue reading

[EU] Stamp Takeover

Hey Helpers! Today the EU Division logged onto CPR to get as many stamps as possible! The Takeover took place on Blizzard and included stamps such as Dance Party, Floor Filler, Go Blue, Go Green, Go Red, Go Yellow, Berg Drill & many more! Good Job Helpers!

MAX: 39+

Make sure you comment below for promotions!

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[EU] Stamp Heist

Hey Helpers! Today the EU division logged onto CPR – Blizzard for a huge Stamp Heist. We were able to obtain many different stamps such as the Photographer, Coffee, Pizza, Lounge and Igloo Party Stamps. This was lead by Dlark & Ken. Good Job Helpers!

MAX: 45+

Make sure you comment below for promotions!

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[US] Stamp Heist

Today we logged onto CPR to earn some stamps!

Max: 32


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Hey there Helpers, The AUSIA DIVISION had a CPR Dance Party today in which we wore our CPR Jerseys with adorned colors and had an Amazing Event with various Bombs and Tactics lead by Barney. We earned stamps and managed to Max around 30 Penguins, And Recruited New People for it !  HF AUSIA is growing strong !

Max : 30

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[US] Dance Party

Hey Helpers! Today, we logged on CPR for a Dance Party!

The event went very well! We maxed well over 30 penguins and got all of the stamps we’re able to obtain in the dance club and lounge. Great job, Helpers. Make sure to comment if you came for a promotion!

MAX: 30+

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