Summer Bash Finals – SUCCESS !

The Summer Bash Trophy !

Hey there Helpers ,
After a Huge Amount of recruiting in the Past Weeks , it all was worth it as we managed to Crush and Defeat the Pirates Army of Club Penguin in the Summer Bash Finals !

The Battle was well fought by both sides , But due to the Size , Tactics and Perfect Formations , The Help Force managed to win 2 out of the 3 Rooms in the Battle !
Even though , As Always , the Army League of CPO contradicted us yesterday with their Biased Judges [lol] , The Community and the People who were watching it were sure that the Help Force had won the Battle. At the end , it all comes to this , Do we really care about what the League has to say regarding a Battle? When they can’t even present any Tactic Picture Proofs to justify their Judgement?

Congratulations to Everyone , Who came in the Battle , or participated how so ever in this Tournament for the Help Force ! Winner Winner Chicken Dinner <3

Some Amazing Pictures taken by the Members during the Battle ! Click “Read More”

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The Retirement Post – Ayan's Retirement

Starting this Post itself gives me Chills. Never had I thought that a time would come where I would have to leave the Community , The Family , The Club Penguin Online’s Army I formed : The Help Force.

If this Post has been Published , It means that I , Unfortunately have retired from all the Armies , The Help Force and each Community which I was in the Virtual World.

Click on the “Read More” to Go through the Entire Journey of me and the Help Force.
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A Golden Era's End

Helpers on the retirement of Ayan/Kitkat89 :

Hey there Helpers! Sadly, on August 1st, 2019, Ayan retired from leader of The Help Force. He has been an amazing leader and we all appreciate everything he has done for the army. A few people have been asked to make statements regarding HF, Ayan, and his retirement. Read more to see what has been said! Continue reading

Truth about the Modern Day Armies – Insight

Hey there Helpers , It’s been a Long run for Help Force in the Army Community and many of you have participated , Enjoyed yourself to the Fullest of it. But there’s questions in everyone’s mind always.

We , in this post would be seeing their answers along with some Important Statements from the Help Force Leading Team.

Click Below and **Start Reading** !

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Help Force – Uniform Guide !

Hey Helpers! As you all may know, HF now has an Advanced uniform! This post is to help anyone who needs to obtain it !

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The HF Cup

Hey there Helpers ! As you all know , we hosted a HF Cup consisting of Intense Battles , Teams and Fun !
The Cup lasted for 2 Weeks , Consisting of 6 Battles , 2 in each TimeZone !
Here we are with the End-Cup Results !

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The Conclusion – HF v LT War

Hey there Helpers , This post is all about the War which started last Tuesday – 16th April 2019 between HF and Light Troops. 

Insights about the War from our point of View and the Common HF Point of View.
Click Read More and Start Reading !

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Successful Defense of Zipline

Hey there Helpers , HF yesterday successfully defended Zipline [ Their Capital ] from LT, Pirates and the Coward Templars.

Even Though there was a contradiction coming from the Army League stating we didn’t win , because We Didnt “Follow” the Invaders is just a piece of tomfoolery.

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The Outraging War

Many people must be confused about what exactly is happening in the war situation currently. Here’s a Post telling you Everything you need to know !
Click the **Read More** Below and Start Reading !

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My Heart will go on…

Hello everyone,
It has been my immense pleasure to be a part of an amazing community like HF.
I still remember the day when i saw Help Force on CPO for the first time.  Continue reading