ZIPLINE, HELP FORCE CAPITAL – As we enter July and summer, the voting session for the HF 13 has come to an end. A big thank you to everyone who cast your vote, as well as all those who were nominated; we couldn’t do this without your dedication.
HF “13” Summer Session 2023 [VOTING]
ZIPLINE, HELP FORCE CAPITAL – As summer draws near, Help Force administration is excited to announce the return of the Golden Helpers Award. This award is given annually to the thirteen most deserving members, who are chosen through a biannual voting process. Last year, due to a shortage of time, the Golden Helpers award never took place. The award for last year will not be made up for, and we ask that you only consider the past six months when casting your vote.
HF De-lice-ious Awards 2022
Hello Comrades, here is the complete list and winners of the Help Force De-lice-ious Awards 2020.
Congratulations to all those that were nominated and those who won an award!
Greetings Helpers! Today we logged onto CPABattleground for our official De-lice-ious Awards Gala! Everyone who attended came in their fancy and tasty outfits as we all awaited for the announcing of the winners by Elp, the Greatest! Huge Congratulations to all who won in their category nominated. Hope you all enjoyed 2022’s De-lice-ious awards as much as I did! Till the next one!
Max: 31+
Comment below if you attended!
HF De-lice-ious Awards – [NOMINATIONS]
Hello comrades and welcome to the Official Nominees of the HF De-lice-ious Awards!
Congratulations to all the people that were nominated, and keep reading to know how to vote!
HF’s Golden Helpers Award — 2021
The title of “Golden Helpers” is arguably one of the greatest honours a person can achieve in the Help Force. Being a Golden Helper means that you have influenced the community throughout the year. Through a vigorous voting procedure that includes both the ‘HF 13’ points sessions, we could narrow our list down to the top 5 nominees this year. With around eighty submissions in total, many notable people didn’t make it to the award list. Be it the staff effort by dignitaries like Desireus, Joe, Snowflake, Mandal and Rooboo or extensive GoTW win streaks by troops like Walver, and several other extreme recruiters, these achievements throughout the year have shaped the army to reach new highs.
HF “13” — Winter Session 2021 [VOTING]
ZIPLINE, Help Force HQ — As the winter comes to an end, and a new year brings a new life and a fresh start for many, the Help Force administration is excited to resume the induction process of the HF 13 title for this year.
End of the Year Awards 2021 – RESULTS
ZIPLINE, Nelly’s Broccoli Garden — Howdy Helpers! It’s been more than a week since we brought to you the categories and the nominees for the End of the Year Awards 2021. After a few exciting days of tallying the votes, I’m finally here to show you the results!
End of the Year Awards 2021 [VOTING]
This year went by in a flash and it feels like yesterday we were here voting for last year’s awards. As time goes by, our collection of memories expands. We are pleased to look back on our achievements, we learn from our mistakes and look ahead with hope. Every month brought us something new, from spectacular battles and hilarious takeovers to war declarations and dramas. Many people left and new ones joined but everyone had their personal impact on our community. At the end of the day, we have many important moments to commemorate and a lot of people to thank. It is now the time to vote for the best ones. We proudly present to you The Help Force End of the Year Awards for 2021.
HF Summer Thirteen ’21
ZIPLINE, Administrator Headquarters — As the voting season comes to an end, we bring to you the results of the coveted Help Force 13.