Hi helpers!! Welcome to the latest edition of your favorite blog, Double Trouble. The series where Dhanush and PinguMaliz hunt out the besties of Help Force, interview them, and test how much they know about each other. Did you miss us? We know it’s been a while, the two lovely duo we’ve got for you today also happened to be the busiest people ever. But it’s totally worth it, helpers, say hi to Lucifer and Panda!
Welcome to the Double Trouble Luci and Panda <3
Panda: heyyyyy
Lucifer: Helloooo
So how do you guys feel being here together? 😀
Panda: we should be in a vc so u guys can hear me laughing like a dumbass
Lucifer: I want to beat her up
Panda: it feels like I’m relevant for something…for once 😀
LMAO..So how about you tell us how you guys first met each other?
Panda: uhhhhhhhhh… I think it was during a lil fight in hf, where we kept beating each other up :skull:..then he dmed me.. and it started from there
Lucifer: yh and we continued
Panda: when did this happen? don’t ask me
Lucifer: 2022 on 29/05
Panda: yea ask this filing cabinet for the dates and all the records, not me
Lucifer: Shush u Panda
So did you guys have any first impressions of each other?
Panda: i thought he was weird, like i do with everyone as first hehe. but we kept talking then i realized that me and him arent as unalike as i rlly thuoght we were..i thought that he sounded old then. he still does..and hes getting older by the minute
Lucifer: My first impression was she was a hardworking asian, agitating idiot
Luci what made you dm panda? Was there any specific thing or you just randomly dmed her
Panda: hes a stalker :sip
Lucifer: She was interesting to say the least
Lucifer: the connection is strong yet her love to slap me is more
Haha thats interesting.. What are the qualities you both admire about each other? What is one thing you would change about the other?
Lucifer: HA fun question i would say her humor, her personality is infectious unfortunately, she’s a sweetheart .. I would change nothing…except the unholy hrs she dms me
Panda: nothing, hes perfect and i love him the way he is. strong, compassionate, funny, understanding, humble. he has everything you look for in a good friend. if theres one thing id change tho, it would be his leg so that he can properly tour me around sweden..not my fault u live on the other side of the world smh
Do you guys have any favorite memories with each other?
Lucifer: Oo every day is favourite memory with her around
Panda: honestly, if i did have a specific favorite memory of us, i probably wouldnt remember :skull: but i love every moment with him..hes an amazing person to be around…Id love to punch him everyday too tho
Do u have any nicknames for each other?
Panda: Grandma, Lucy, Boomer and prolly a few more but thats all i can remember
Lucifer: Neice, Pandito (One more which has been removed by the blogger) shrug we have a lot of curses
Describe each other with 5 emotes and explain what they mean
Panda: extrcfygvjbhgbrnhtju
– She loves to hit 🔥- she’s fire 🥰 – lovable 👶 – idiot baby 🎾- she likes sports specifically tennis and plays it
Panda: 😈 – pretty self explanatory. if u even talked to him once, u would understand
👴 – hes a boomer
💪 – violent and strong in eevery aspect which is waht i admire abt him
– simply just an amazing friend
– and gay
If yall ever met IRL.. Where would it be?
Lucifer: Sweden
Panda: Sweden
Lucifer: She said for me to take her to all 267,570 islands
Panda: ill bring a bat and tennis racquet with me, just in case he has other plans 😀
Lucifer: Is that really going to save u 🙂
Okay if yall go in a cafe/restaurant in Sweden..Who’s going to be paying the bill? are they gonna pay the next time aswell?
Panda: Him.. Always!
Lucifer: Split the bill
Panda: Ill pay maybe once no 😛 Im broke rn so shut up
Lucifer: Fine I’ll pay…You coming here with money shut up and get a job or else ill make you work in my gym
Panda: IM TRYING T-T T-T tennis is enough tyvm
Panda would you rather babysit Luci’s kids or his pets.. Luci how much would you pay her for each?
Panda: wtf T-T ive already dealt with so many chaotic stupid kids to make me not like them. i dont trust his pets so kids :sob:
Lucifer: 54,067 or 59,000 sek if she’s good… or 20000 a day if she kills one than 0
Panda: about 6k cad..IM TAKING THE JOB…DONE DEAL
i meant without killing them smh ..im not u 😛
What cartoon characters like Disney, Pixar anime, etc do you think the other is?
Panda: Was it Jafar or Zafar but yea hes jafar or actually, hes the beast. rlly aggresive and chunky on the outside, but a soft, good soul on the inside
Lucifer: Prob Mulan or Merida Because she’s a fierce, rebellious kid who struggles with her blood relations but still amazing and has an epic personality, daring and stubborn to say the least
Do you both have an common favourite song/genre which yall love to vibe on
Lucifer: Bollywood
Panda: he showed me a song, borde veta bättre, and i still love that but yeah we mainly both love bollywood.. Indian songs hit different 🔥
Lucifer: Mitraz
So before we end would you guys like to share/tell anything to our wonderful readers that love both of you <3
Panda: i identify as eccentric im very approachable tho dw 😀
Lucifer: The devil is always watching for his next victim:)
Thank you very much Luci and Panda!
Panda, just so you know, Luci is not a boxing bag. Do not slap him (not too much at least). Anyways, Double Trouble Friendship Test yayy! I asked our interviewees 6 random questions they were to answer both for themselves, and what they think the other person said. Let’s start by taking a look at how well Panda might know Lucifer!
If you could time travel, would you rather go to the future or the past?
Lucifer: Good question, If I traveled to the past, I’d risk changing the present; if I traveled to the future, I might lose my place in time. Which is more valuable: the knowledge of what was, or the mystery of what will be? I would have to say future ig
Panda: uh i think hed prefer the future cuz hes had a chaotic past.
Would you rather watch the sunrise or sunset?
Lucifer: Sunrise since I’m a morning guy and wake up at unholy hrs to go to work
Panda: he wakes up early af everyday so sunrise.
What’s the best way to start a morning? A nice breakfast, a morning workout, or sleeping in?
Lucifer: Well, meditation, nice breakfast then go to my gym and start out with my usual workout routine. Everything starts with a balance for both the body and mind. Morning is the best way to do that.
Panda: definitely a morning workout for him, to build all that chunk 💀
Do you prefer lol, lmao, or XD?
Lucifer: I’d prefer lol
Panda: hes dry af but he usually says lmao.
If you could travel to any of these places, which one would you choose? Paris, Tokyo, Los Angeles, or Sydney?
Lucifer: Tokyo. I love it, it’s a traditional, incredible place, i have the utmost respect for them, as well as it being modern, it’s a nice blend
Panda: bhugyftdcrxsztry. sydney cuz maybe hell find some handsome aussies there hehe.
If you were to choose one of the following hobbies to pursue, which would you choose? Baking, painting, reading, or gaming?
Lucifer: …
She’s gonna call me a bald grandpa bloody hell but I love reading
Panda: he likes reading and writing so definitely reading.
Not bad, let’s switch around and see how Luci does!
If you could time travel, would you rather go to the future or the past?
Panda: id definitely choose the future too, to see ✨ tech and ai stuff ✨
Lucifer: She’s prob say the future
Would you rather watch the sunrise or sunset?
Panda: choose sunset, it gets all pretty and colorful then :3
Lucifer: Sunset since i dont see her like to get up from her bed 😒
What’s the best way to start a morning? A nice breakfast, a morning workout, or sleeping in?
Panda: id be sleeping in fs 😀
Lucifer: I believe she’d wake up but just for school. If she wanted to she’d sleep in
Do you prefer lol, lmao, or XD?
Panda: i usually say lmao
Lucifer: she’d prefer lol i think
If you could travel to any of these places, which one would you choose? Paris, Tokyo, Los Angeles, or Sydney?
Panda: my first stop is TOKYOOOO 🔥
Lucifer: Maybe paris she’s learning french
If you were to choose one of the following hobbies to pursue, which would you choose? Baking, painting, reading, or gaming?
Panda: i love reading, and im working on writing now 😀
Lucifer: panda would say probably gaming
Woop, I’m afraid that’s it for this week’s Double Trouble 🙁 But first, Luci and Panda scored 58 %! A heartfelt congratulations from me to you, for achieving this somewhat decent score <3 We hope you liked today’s post and will see you next time when we get to know a new pair of besties!
Much love,
Filed under: Best CP Army, Club Penguin Army, Double Trouble, Help Force Army, Help Force Awards, Help Force CP, Help Force CPJ, HF CP, HF CPJ, HF of CP, Web Series Tagged: | Club Penguin Help Force, Dhanush, Dhanush HF, Double Trouble, Double Trouble HF, Help Force, Lucifer, Lucifer HF, Panda, Panda HF, PinguMaliz, PinguMaliz HF, ShadyPanda, ShadyPanda HF
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