Double Trouble: Snowflake and Yoda

Hii helpers!! Welcome to the latest edition of your favourite blog, Double Trouble. The series where Dhanush and PinguMaliz hunt out the besties of Help Force, interview them, and test how much they know about each other. For this week we of course brought you all another lovely duo and a lot of chaos. Say hi to Snowflake and Yoda!

Welcome to the Double Trouble Snowflake and Yoda! 

Snowflake: thank you we are glad to burn your post

Yoda: when do i get my paycheck

Snowflake: i like some of that too

Your getting interviewed and that’s a big thing 😒

So how do you guys feel being here together? 😀

Yoda: i was hoping for des instead of baldy but thats okay too she will be a great guest we have amazing dynamics

Snowflake: I am glad to have a friend like Yoda who i can cut his hair at anytime he has many wigs

that is why he wants Des, Des has Cars I don’t


LMAO..So how about you tell us how you guys first met each other?

Snowflake: ofc at HF but we become friends at the 6th of October 2021

Yoda: to be fair i have b12 deficiency i dont remember

Snowflake:wow here i am telling the date and my Best Friend doesn’t even remember how we become friends such a guy move xD

Yoda: (i used to forgot my friends bday but im still a lovely guy so)

Snowflake: i know and I agree 100% 🤍

we were staff together and we wanted to ask for Help because we weren’t getting food so started changing our names to Help Us

asked Yoda to change his name to join the other staff

and since then we become Good friends

Yoda: lmao i remember that happened but i didn’t knew we met during that💀

Snowflake: we met before, we become good friends because of that

Oo wow that’s nice!! So Did you guys have any first impressions of each other?

Snowflake: Yes I thought Yoda was like in Uni he is so mature for his age

Yoda: i saw the light an old grandpa was calling me then i realized It was the white light reflected from her bald head at that moment i knew we would get along

Snowflake: I take that back he is Two years old

he is typing a newspaper You will never be out of here Dhanush

it better be something nice Yoda

Yoda: she is a sweet caring and fun person to have conversations we started to get closer after she retired which is ironic she is actually one of the few people who i can relate trust and can talk about my problems it really doesnt count as first impression but yez damn you b12

Snowflake: aww see he gets me like this always 😭

but we got closer before i retired you really need the B12 mate

Moving on… would be the thing that attracted both of you to start up a conversation?

Yoda: what are u talking about i started talking  to her cause of free cookies

Snowflake: The chaos of course xD we love it, as you see we have been burning your post for the past few days now, back then he started asking me for free biscuits haha.

Haha thats nice.. What are the qualities you both admire about each other? What is one thing you would change about the other?

Yoda: It could be intelligence or maturity or kindness probably and i would dye her hair to GREEN other than that she is perfect

Snowflake: I admire Yoda’s Patience, wisdom and thoughtfulness he cares about ppl in his life very deeply he has a golden heart. I really can’t think of anything to change at all, he is wonderful as he is.

So have you ever recommended a series to one another and watched it? Which one among the duo is fav so far?

Yoda: Well not really

Snowflake: Well now Yoda will call me an old soul.. and he would be right xD I love reading I don’t watch series.

Okay so books 😀 instead of series

Snowflake: I have recommended a few books for example Attached and a novel called I am Traitor. Yoda is not into reading so He started with a book he’s interested in, the book supposed to be scary but for Yoda it’s funny so you can imagine when he calls me telling me there is a murder in the book but laughing about it xD

Yoda: well characters were funny

Snowflake: here you go hahaha

Ahh thats nice, do you guys have any favorite memories with each other?

Snowflake: I do, when I needed my friends the most during this past year my friends irl were around, and so did Yoda. He kept taking pictures of the outside world when I couldn’t leave the bed at the hospital, he kept dming telling me what’s new in his life and asking about me. Yoda have left me up numerous times it made me see true friendship on a higher level. All the memories are precious and darling for me, I wouldn’t take any of it for granted. Yoda is a blessing in the lives of those who get to know him. 

Yoda: to be honest every moment is special hanging out at Club Penguin, chatting, sharing their troubles, sharing their joys, being with her is precious enough for me I can’t specifically say I have a favorite memory among all, but I’m glad I spent every second of it.

If yall ever met IRL, Where would it be?

Snowflake: I believe Yoda will say the UK, but I like to go to his house to get the Pickle pillow.

Yoda: Let me see the other countries😭

Snowflake: Bring me the Pickle and go wherever you wish

(The pickle in question)

How would you guys describe Each other in 5 Emojis (give an explanation as well)


❄️ obviously

🥳 energetic personality

👨‍🦲 cuz she is bald

good friend 


Snowflake: 😴 Sleeping in vc 

👨‍🦲 Yoda is the only Bald one

❤️ Good Heart 

🍪 ‘I am Going to eat’ every vc

He is Yoda


What cartoon characters like Disney, Pixar anime, etc do you think the other is?

Snowflake: Yoda reminds me of Christopher Robin. Yoda has a thoughtful, mature personality and deep attachment with people he loves just like Christopher Robin.

Yoda: Hermione Granger from harry potter, smart successful caring about her friends

Okay if yall end up in a cafe/restaurant together..Who’s going to be paying the bill? are they gonna pay the next time aswell?

Yoda: Im paying said and done next question

Snowflake: Yoda taking a stand like a guy, as a girl I won’t say anything but thank you and for sure gift him something he likes like Yoda Jedi Master (I so searched this).

Yoda: Im hungry

Snowflake: see this is wht i hear always xD

Yoda: Let the readers know this thing took so long that snow was a retired veteran before the interview have started 

Snowflake: LOL so true xD but we have a life so it’s a good sign

Ru: Yoda doesn’t have a life

What you on about

Yoda since when do you have a life

The pillows mine


Snowflake: NO I had my eyes on it for a more then half a year ‘my precious’

Okay so before we end Would you guys like to tell anything to the readers? 

Yoda: Remember kids if you dont wash dishes you may end up like desireus and i no double trouble for us😔 so message here do your chores

Ru: It is chai, not chai tea

It is naan, not naan bread

Always be a curry muncher, be healthy and stay hydrated

Yoda: Triple trouble

Dhanush: Triple Trouble Indeed

Snowflake: BAN UGLY GREEN, Yoda You will never dye my very long Rapunzel hair

Yoda: Yall need b12 vitamins

Snowflake: u are the only one who needs it we talked about this xD

Thank you very much Ru Snow Yoda!! 

I don’t know about you, but I really feel like stealing a pillow right now. Unfortunately, there is no time for that. Because we need to get right into the Double Trouble Friendship Test! I asked our victims 6 random questions they were to answer both for themselves, and what they think the other person said. Let’s start by taking a look at how well Snowflake might know Yoda!

Would you rather have more money or more (free) time?

Yoda: Heres a bright idea instead of 2 options i steal your and dhanush’s also beastos money and bot money then i run away and have more free time but if you want a short answer time i guess

Snowflake: Free time, unless we are moving to the moon, Yoda become rich i am coming with as your bestie 

no ty Yoda, pls help us 😨
Do you prefer online shopping or shopping in a store?

Yoda: Online

Its easier and im too lazy

Snowflake: I don’t believe he likes shopping either 

Iced tea, normal tea, or no tea?

Yoda: Iced tea its my favorite since i was a kid probably my num 1 drink

Snowflake: He doesn’t really drink tea but i’ll say normal tea.

Would you rather have a food fight, snowball fight, or water fight?

Yoda: Water fight, we had a crazy one in my school it was like the last day and one guy came up with that plan and he also brought like 5 liters of water it was a battlefield i actually was able to win the battle without getting too wet after school i was telling how great i was to my crush then i got backstabbed and she poured half a liter of water on me it was a fun day

Snowflake: Doesn’t like to get wet by rain, won’t play with food, so snowball fight.

What pet would you rather have as your sidekick? Parrot, butterfly, dog, or frog?

Yoda: I think it would be parrot if i train well enough he can be a spy i aint paying for drones

Snowflake: I don’t know why I feel he would say Parrot.

This one might be difficult, what is your favourite flower?

Yoda: To be honest any purple flower is so sweet

Snowflake: Roses.. I don’t know.

Amazing, now we’ll see if Yoda can guess Snowflake’s answers!

Would you rather have more money or more (free) time?

Snowflake: Free time, I would use it as i please to. 

Yoda: Time

Do you prefer online shopping or shopping in a store?

Snowflake: Snow: I don’t really like shopping in a general way 

There is a good side and bad for both. Online shopping is faster you can find what you need or like, because I hate spending time looking, but sometimes the the fabric quality is not what you expect so going to the store is more convenient.

Yoda: She would go into a shop and look around

Iced tea, normal tea, or no tea?

Snowflake: As a brit I know it’s a crime to say no tea but I love milk

Yoda: For her uhh i think no tea she just doesnt like caffeine

Would you rather have a food fight, snowball fight, or water fight?

Snowflake: Snowball fight

Yoda: She would pick snowball probably

What pet would you rather have as your sidekick? Parrot, butterfly, dog, or frog?

Snowflake: Butterfly so cool!

Yoda: Mm i think she could pick dog

This one might be difficult, what is your favourite flower?

Snowflake: Phalaenopsis Honey Peach

Yoda: Snowflakes fav flower is Phalaenopsis Honey Peach

I definitely didnt cheat yall can cry

Okayyy that’s definitely not sus at all. But now that the test is done, presuming there was absolutely no cheating going on, we can reveal the score of this duo… 50 %! That’s it for this week’s Double Trouble! We hope you liked today’s post and will see you next time when we get to know a new pair of besties!

Much love, 

Your Answer (no email required)