[WAR] Hunting the Confederation Down

The Glorious Gracious Motherland declares war upon the People’s Imperial Confederation

ZIPLINE, HELP FORCE CAPITAL – Today we declare war on PIC to take their lands and prove to everyone that the Help Force has ended their long slumber from Wars. It is time that the Help Force goes to war, after that Legendary Legends Cup win, we are still hungry for more and what better can we do other than declaration of War and take some land for us!

The Help Force has always been known for their fierce leadership and strong relations with other armies, especially when it comes to war, as HF never failed to back an allied army whenever any of them needed! However today the Help Force are going to war on their own terms, PIC has become a Major army after their work 0r so called “hard work”, heh what a joke I think it would be better called “Hard Templars support” but nevertheless today is the day we bring the hammer down and reveal the real truth behind their major army status success!

War Terms

  • All war battles must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance with the CPA league. Failure to do so will result in the invalidation of the scheduling.
  • No army following this declaration can transfer any servers until the conclusion of the war. The only exception to this rule is if an army forfeits the war and transfers all of their servers to the opposing side.
  • All battles must be judged by CPAJ’s officiated judges. Judges-in-training are permitted to spectate in accordance to CPAJ’s policies.
  • Allies and visitors are not allowed making this a locked in one-on-one map war between HF and PIC only. No other army may declare war or Invasions on either side for the duration of this war.
  • Dual Enlistments are not allowed in this war. Furthermore, PIC and HF advisors who are currently enlisted in another army are NOT allowed to attend nor lead any battles. As this war is between HF and PIC.
  • No army is allowed to merge into HF or PIC following this declaration until the War has concluded. Any merger will be deemed invalid
  • A withdrawal from this war for any reason and in any shape or form (e.g. withdrawing from the CPA league, etc.) will constitute a forfeit of the war and automatically transferring all owned lands to the opposing army.
  • The losing army in this conflict must accept the terms of a treaty imposed by the winning force.
  • Multilogging, hacking, ddosing, doxxing, botting, or any other means of cheating will not be allowed in this war
  • Any attempt to exploit loopholes will result in a forfeit of lands and the war.
  • All other CPA league Map & CPAB Battle rules apply for this war.

Invasion of Belly Slide
Tuesday 13th, 8pm BST
CPAB Belly Side

Invasion of Pine Needles
Saturday 17th, 8pm BST
CPAB Pine Needles

This is just the beginning of something big, the warmup for our conquest towards a more chaotic wars in the future, and so ready yourselves PIC, because after today you are gonna see what the true Help Force can bring upon you and your troops!

Keep Unleashing the Power of Helping!

3 Responses

  1. Leave them alone, Beasto!

  2. elp orce est orce

  3. […] on August 12, the Help Force declared war on the People’s Imperial Confederation. In their declaration, they stated that the army has ended its “long slumber from wars” and that they are […]

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