The HF Beacon

Zipline, Beacon’s Office — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon. After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!

Table of Contents

HF News

Event of the Week

Word of the Week

Game Corner

Art Section

Person of the Week

Weekly Promotions

Question of the Week

Submit Your Content

HF News

  • CPA Map! HF has invaded another 2 Free lands (Marshmallow, Abominable) making their number of lands 6 including Capital…
  • HF News! HF has won the first match of Round 1 against SWAT in the Around the World Tournament…

Event of The Week

Event of the week is not the highest maxed event of the week, but instead it is the event that made our week more fun and enjoyable!


Word of the Week

Word of the Week is the word that means nothing to anyone but the amazing Helpers and Readers!


“The Help Force has been dominating the tournament so far, and more to come”

Game Corner

This section features a new puzzle every week for you to play. You can send your Submissions to BEASTO in DMs for some bot money!

Scrambled Words (HF Version)











Art And Memes Corner

Skimming through the amazing submissions, we’ve chosen the best ones for the week! Make sure to submit your content in #art-memes if you want to get featured in the Help Force Beacon next week!

Person/Meme of the Week

The person of the week is someone who dedicates a lot of time and energy into the army. And they’re a meme.

“A Heart of Kindness, A Guardian of Troops, A Future Queen there shall be”

Weekly Promotions

These people have worked very hard for the army this week, now it’s their time to be recognized! Make sure to congratulate them for their hard efforts.

Mini_Pixels – Novice Corporal
Pingoboii – Sergeant Major
Puffle – Lieutenant Colonel
Melody – Elite Helper
Cammiee – Elite Helper
Xan.amira – Supreme Helper

Lirri – Sergeant
Eros – Sergeant Major
Deadbushmaster69 – Sergeant
Dylan – Elite Helper
BOB – Elite Helper
TANJI – Amateur Helper

Traffy Light – Lieutenant Colonel
Cheirus – Amateur Helper
Oscar – Specialist

Question of the Week

Which tactic would you like the Help Force to use in the Next Battle?

Submit Your Content

Know any good jokes? Have some thoughts you want to share, want some extra sapphires? Next week the best submissions will be featured in this part of the Beacon! Check the bottom of the post for procedure of submissions.

DM BEASTO on Discord the answers to the games, question of the week, send some, stories, and any content submissions to win Points (20 points for submitting content):HFSapphire:!

And that’s a wrap for this week fellas! See you in the next edition of the Help Force Beacon. Make sure to like & comment on your opinions about the weekly newspaper.

Keep Unleashing the Power of Helping!

Your Answer (no email required)