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Why Should We Coup Our Commanders

Desireus and Rooboo are the commanders of our glorious and gracious motherland. While they may seem like good leaders at first glance, their crimes against the troops and the staff outweigh their positives. Here is why we must coup them.


The Maya Incident

After retiring from her position as Second in Command, MayaTheSus became a Cabinet Secretary. Cabinet Secretary is supposed to have less power than staff, but for Maya, this was not the case. Maya had bribed Des and Rooboo into giving her extra perms, resulting in her having more power than the majority of the staff team. Ignoring the fact that Des and Rooboo weren’t Commanders when Maya retired, this is 100% Des and Rooboo’s fault. The bribability of our Commanders has resulted in Maya abusing her perms on several occasions. We cannot have such corrupt people leading us. I suggest that Snowy should come back and turn HF into an egirl emote hangout server.

The Choco Incident

We all know that Choco is a cannibal. He must be kept far away from chocolate at all costs. Des and Rooboo knew this, but instead of helping Choco, they fed his addiction, giving him chocolate. While I don’t have any evidence of this, you should just trust me as I am very trustworthy uwu. They didn’t just feed a staff member, they also fed an addiction. This is unacceptable and we will not stand for it.

The Famine

On a daily basis, the staff are starving, wishing for Elp to throw them a cookie while they work in the mines. This may seem like a bad thing, but the starvation of HF’s staff is justified as the hunger distracts the staff from dismantling the government. What is not acceptable is this starvation spreading to the helpers. These helpers work hard to produce food, but the commanders forcibly take this food from them, exporting the food to ACP to make a profit. The commanders care more about their blue gems than they do their helpers. I can accept starving the staff members, but starving the helpers is just not right.

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Some people may say that I am just making baseless arguments, but I’m just telling the truth. As proof, this is what WordPress thinks about this blog.

As you can see, this post is more informative than it is accusatory. Therefore, what I am saying is correct. To doubt me would be to doubt the revolution. We will charge into the Commanders’ offices tonight! Just after we beat RPF in March Madness! (If a commander is reading this, this is totally an April Fools post 100% no cap fr fr just trust me bro there’s totally not an assassin waiting outside your office to ambush you uwu)

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  1. uwu

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