The Mystery of Choco’s Voice

If you have heard Choco’s voice, you would know that it is one of a skibidi rizzler. Despite the numerous times he has vced, his voice is still a mystery to many.


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Samari’s Scandal

It’s no secret that Samari secretly owns the Help Force. Although that contradicts itself, here is how she secretly owns our souls so secretly.

Designed By Wynn

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Sussy Snowy

I’m sure you already know that Snowy is very sus. She led the army for a whole segment of history. Here are a few of her recent sus activities.

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Elaina Expose Post

The troublesome Elaina is one of the many weird members of the Ice Warriors. Unlike Roxy, her weirdness isn’t about feet and feetguin. It’s about socks.

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Yet Another Roxy Expose Post

This is Yet Another Roxy Expose Post (this is trademarked). Roxy has been exposed many times, and now it’s time to expose her again.

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Why Dinamo are the True Winners

Team Steaua managed to “win” Romania Week, but they are not the true winners. Rather than playing sudoku, team Dinamo decided to fight, managing to win the battle. This is why team Dinamo are the true winners.

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Roxy’s Dark Side

Roxy seems like a fun, loving staff member; however, she has a dark side that you do not want to see. Whenever she isn’t welcoming someone to the army or chatting away, she is murdering and bullying innocent people. Here is Roxy’s dark side.

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Roxy Cheats on Mocha

Roxy has betrayed her long-term wife, deciding to marry Jo. To make matters worse, Choco was a possible candidate, and she blatantly rejected him. This is the story of how Roxy cheated on Mocha.

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Wolfi Logs On

The motherland witnessed an incredible feat during today’s SpongeBob event, as Wolfi logged on successfully. He persevered through various dangers, eventually reaching the event.

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Army of Club Penguin Coups a Tax Fraud

The Army of Club Penguin falls into a dark time as a tax fraud gets couped from leadership. AustinTaxFraud is awaiting trial, where he will hopefully face a life sentence in snake jail.

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