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Blogger Team Applications Open Now!

With each passing day, the Help Force witnesses the arrival of new troops, the departure of old ones, the promotions and demotions of staff members, daily events, and all of that just to name a few. With wars and practice battles, tournaments and contests always lurking around the corner, the task of recording these events in the history books and producing entertaining content to satisfy the community falls upon the blogger team. But what is blogging, and why should you be a part of the team?

Click to access the Blogger Applications form!

What is blogging?

Essentially, a blog is a short, sharp, concise document written for a particular purpose and audience. Generally, a blog zooms in on a specific topic out of the hundreds of things that happen daily in not only our glorious gracious motherland but the rest of the army community too and then makes clear, well-structured, and detailed observations on the topic.

Blogging can be both an impersonal and a personal job. But without any exception, a blogger should essentially be a storyteller. They should tell the story interestingly and engagingly, serving to not just satisfy their own goal but to satisfy their audience as well.

Some argue that blogging is a pointless activity. They do not see the point of having an active blogger base that regularly produces content. However, websites have been at the core of the Club Penguin Army game since the very beginning. In an era where instant communication was still not as developed as it is today, websites served as an irreplaceable medium to convey information. Now, the role of websites has shifted to creating a culture within the community, creating a family out of the completely diverse group of gamers we call our “army”. It is vital to the spirit of inclusiveness, and to maintaining the activeness of the community in moving forwards at all times. Thus, a blogger is one of the most important people in the army, no matter what actual rank they may hold.

Why Should You Join The Blogging Team?

If I’m being completely honest with you, there is no solid reason for you to join the team. You won’t get any payment out of this (other than the usual 30-40 sapphires per post). This definitely won’t be boosting your resume, unless you are pursuing journalism as a career and want to put down a few websites as your work experience. But are you able to spend your time more productively when you’re a part of our blogging team? Definitely. We’re all so focused on materialistic pleasures and we’re all so addicted to instant gratification, that sometimes we forget the intangible value that we gain from even the silliest of practices. I think we as a society have come to accept a pouch of gold today over a mountain of gold tomorrow.

When you join us as a blogger, you not only get an opportunity to stand out in the community, but you also get to leave a mark behind in history. Your one blog on our website will be remembered by several future generations as it will continue to be stored in the website’s archives. A few years later, you might even come across this website only to see the posts you wrote and how you inspired newer generation CP players to write their own posts.

And that’s just me listing out the tangibles. We’re missing out on the intangibles here. When you open your laptop to write a blog that everyone will read, you will ensure that it’s the best quality because we all know how quick the community might be to judge your blog. So when you push yourself to write the best blog you can, you practice, and you grind for hours with applications like Grammarly and whatnot. You’ll have your dictionary at the ready and ask your seniors if a particular sentence sounds right. All this doesn’t just make you a better blogger, it makes you someone who’s polished their command over the language. It makes you more confident when you communicate because you’ve now expanded your vocabulary and your command over sentence structuring. And I think that’s beautiful, you improve yourself over a game you love.


Now, this is a phrase I’ve heard quite often, and if I’m being entirely honest, then that was me too, almost all of the legendary writers said this at one point. When I first started blogging in April 2020, I never thought I’d be good enough to lead entire organizations of bloggers. So many people also think that they only like reading, when they’ve never actually put some effort into seeing how well they can write. The only thing that even came slightly close to writing in my life was the essays I wrote in school. But if there’s anything that my experience as a blogger has taught me in my time here, then it’s that:

Writing isn’t a skill you’re born with. It’s actually a skill that you acquire over a period of time.

We have an experienced Senior Blogger Team that will ensure that all of you will be taught well, and we will ensure that we bring out the best writer in you. Sure, it’ll be a combined effort, but at the end of the day, there’s nothing you have to lose. You might think that you’re not cut out for this, but the reality is, all those people who you think are cut out for reporting, are the ones who’ve put an effort to improve their skills, and if you do the same, then the sky is the limit for you too.

If you’d like to apply to be a reporter, then click here and fill out the google form with the best responses you can give! If you have any doubts, you can message scorp#9455 or snowy#8840 on Discord. You can also drop a message in the #help-desk in the Help Force Discord server.

Scorpion Demon

Help Force Admiral

Your Answer (no email required)