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The HF Beacon


ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon! After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!

Table of Contents

Weekly HF Update

Random Facts

Helpers Book Club

Game Corner
– Word Search
– Unscramble
– HF Trivia

Winners of Diwix’s Meme Contest

Question of the Week

Submit Your Content

Weekly HF Update

  • Peace Is Here! The Armies involved in the Western Bloc and the Vengeance Alliance have signed a peace treaty!
  • Mass Promotions! On November 14th, several staff members received a promotion to award their contributions to the army, with Joe and Wynn being promoted to Leader In Training!
  • Yer A Wizzard ‘Arry! Our Commander Barnito is hosting a series of Harry Potter movie nights, keep an eye on the server for updates!
  • GAMEDAY! Snowflake is the newest inductee into the Gameday Champions list!
  • GOTW! Plotter is the Gamer of The Week!
  • TISTLE’S TUBA HAS BEEN RETURNED! In a huge event, Help Force decided to give Tistle his tuba back, in exchange for him revealing several government secrets from his time.

Random Facts

1) DID YOU KNOW? Corvids such as crows and ravens can remember people’s faces for more then a year.

2) DID YOU KNOW? A black hole’s gravity is so strong, it could bend light and make it orbit the black hole.

3) DID YOU KNOW? The pyramids in Giza, Egypt used to be cased in white limestone, which reflected a lot of light.

4) DID YOU KNOW? The Cassowary is the most dangerous bird, although it mainly eats fruits. Be wary! (Sorry for the pun)

5) DID YOU KNOW? Humans are the second most dangerous animal to humans. Mosquitos are the first. SMASH THOSE TINY THINGS!

6) DID YOU KNOW? The sound of the Red-Tailed Hawks are commonly used to portray Eagles.

7) DID YOU KNOW? The cute little birds in your backyard are actually dinosaurs.

8) DID YOU KNOW? There have been over 500 different Club Penguin Armies in the history of the game.

Helpers Book Club

Nothing without an amazing story section. Make sure to read this engrossing corner of the HF Beacon, and let us know if you want to write stories in the upcoming editions!

The Hunt For Janez Sparrow’s Treasure

— Scorp, HF Admiral

A long long time ago, over the dreaded Elpian Seas, sailed a Pirate called Captain Janez Sparrow. Sparrow was infamous for being the Terror of the Elpian Seas. He looted, he pillaged, he razed little island villages to the ground. He even trapped poor human sailors in his very own maze and forced them to find pins hidden in unimaginable locations. Thus, after quite a rich career, he had accumulated a huge treasure of Sapphires, Ayan Hats and Helpers’ souls.

When the time came to retire, he decided to bury all of his treasure in the maze where he had trapped people. Four years after his death, famous adventurer Lance Priebe discovered the maze, and opened it to the world. He called it Club Penguin. Soon, there was the dawn of civilization in the inhuman maze, and with civilization, came armies, including our own army, the Help Force.

Come back next week for the rest of the story!

Game Corner

This section features three amazing games and puzzles for you to think and play. Keep your answers ready, and make sure to check the bottom-most section of the newspaper for knowing the procedure of submissions.

Word Search

.find the words listed in the picture below.



.given below are jumbled words related to the Help Force. unscramble them and win prizes.

(answer to the previous edition’s unscrambled: Werewolves, Shadow, Jack O Lantern, Cobweb, Witch)


HF Trivia

.find the answers to the questions given below.

(answers to the previous edition’s trivia: Team Skeletons and Team Ghosts, 15th, $bal)

1. What is the name of the oldest commander of the Help Force who still serves us as an Advisor?

2. How many servers does Help Force have?

3. What was the name of the tournament that led to the birth of Overtime?? Day?

Winners of Diwix’s Meme Contest

Skimming through the amazing submissions, we’ve chosen the best five ones for the week! Make sure to submit your content in #art-memes if you want to get featured in the Help Force Beacon next week!





IlikeChimken [Ally]

Plooter Again

Question of The Week

Coffee or Tea? Pineapple on a Pizza? No definite answers for the QOTW! Keep your answer ready, and make sure to check the bottom-most section of the newspaper for knowing the procedure of submissions.

Elp has muted you for pinging him, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

Submit Your Content

Know any good jokes? Have some thoughts you want to share, want some extra sapphires? Next week the best submissions will be featured in this part of the Beacon! Check the bottom of the post for procedure of submissions.

DM Scorpion Demon#9455 on Discord the answers to the Word Search (highlight the words and take a screenshot), Unscrambled Words, HF Trivia, Question of the Week, and any content submissions to win Sapphires (5 sapphires given per puzzle completed + 5 sapphires for submitting content):HFSapphire:!

And that’s a wrap for this week fellas! See you in the next edition of the Help Force Beacon. Make sure to like & comment on your opinions about the weekly newspaper.

Unleash the Power of Helping!

Your Answer (no email required)