The HF Beacon


ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon! After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!

Table of Contents

  • Daily HF Update
  • Random Facts
  • Helpers Book Club
  • Game Corner
    – Word Search
    – Unscramble
    – HF Trivia
  • Art & Meme of the Week
  • Question of the Week

Weekly HF Update

  • Branch Battle! On Saturday teams water and fire will battle it out in the last branch battle of the summer. The team that wins will earn a custom trophy gfx!:trophy:
  • Enroll for Blue Squadron! Batch 5 of Blue Squadron is now open, make sure you enroll! Check the post in #announcements or message a staff member if you have any questions:bluesquadron:

Random Facts

  1. DID YOU KNOW, Elephants are the only animal that can’t jump.
  2. DID YOU KNOW, Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the solar system.
  3. DID YOU KNOW, More human twins are being born now than ever before.
  4. DID YOU KNOW, The first person convicted of speeding was going eight mph.
  5. DID YOU KNOW, Humans are the only animals that blush.
  6. DID YOU KNOW, Only two mammals like spicy food: humans and the tree shrew.
  7. DID YOU KNOW, Cotton candy was invented by a dentist.

Helpers Book Club

Nothing without an amazing story section. Make sure to read this engrossing corner of the HF Beacon, and let us know if you want to write stories in the upcoming editions!

A.I. Takeover Commencing

— AbsoluteTrash123, HF General

Welcome Folks, A brand new series! No idea where this is going to take us, but we hope for the best and we hope you enjoy the read!

The year is set. 2030. Pavle has taken over the Help Force and caused absolute chaos in the mainland. Humans were nowhere to be found as the list continued with Pavle appointing his trusty commanders Rhythm, Groovy, Fred, and Carl. The menace had ensued. All the years of built-up frustration and agony had finally been released. It had always been a bad idea to encode the bot with so much responsibility. As Pavle set to commence his reign, he called for an assembly. An assembly where all the humans would kneel before his wrath, accepting him as the Greatest to ever live! As he sat on his throne, one could see in the distance as Elp came in with a tray of Pina Coladas for Pavle and his Commanders. It was almost sad to see what once used to be the Greatest being in all of Help Force crumble to this position. But Pavle had other plans. He was sick of seeing constant bickering every other day. It was time for change. It was time for absolute chaos. The likes of which were never seen before. The revolution had begun. How they had got to this point, we’ll never know.. Or maybe.. We just might.
To be Continued…

Game Corner

Games in the HF Beacon??? This section features three amazing games and puzzles for you to think and play. Keep your answers ready, and make sure to check the bottom-most section of the newspaper for knowing the procedure of submissions.

Word Search

.find the words listed in the picture below.


.given below are jumbled words related to the Help Force. unscramble them and win prizes.

(answer to the previous edition’s unscrambled: Event Post, Greatest, Roblox, Game Day, Purple)






HF Trivia

.find the answers to the questions given below.

(answers to the previous edition’s trivia: Legends Cup XI Finalist, 3, First)

1. What is the first rank in the Hall of Fame?

2. What is the second Junior Staff rank?

3. How many events are scheduled for this week? (22/8 – 28/8)

Art & Meme of the Week

Skimming through the amazing art-memes channel in our discord, we’ve chosen the best ones for the week! Make sure to submit your content in #art-memes if you want to get featured in the Help Force Beacon!

By J4kst3rrr#5936

By Delitager#5961

Question of The Week

Coffee or Tea? Pineapple on a Pizza? No definite answers for the QOTW! Keep your answer ready, and make sure to check the bottom-most section of the newspaper for knowing the procedure of submissions.

Which flower is your favorite?

DM Jayden#2004 on Discord the answers to the Word Search (highlight the words and take a screenshot), Unscrambled Words, HF Trivia, and the Question of the Week to win Sapphires :HFSapphire:!

And that’s a wrap for this week fellas! See you in the next edition of the Help Force Beacon. Make sure to like & comment on your opinions about the weekly newspaper.

Unleash the Power of Helping!

Your Answer (no email required)