Patrons of Patreon: Yuffie

Welcome Back to Patrons of Patreon! The fabulous mini-series where I get to interview our amazing donators that donate their money to help keep the HF community up and running! Today I am here with Blaze Donator and HF First Lieutenant Yuffie!

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Howdy Folks! Today we logged onto CPR for an intense Practice Battle against Templars of CP! The fight went marvelously and we did amazing in all three rooms, Snow Forts, Dojo and Dance Club. Thank you for a fantastic leading Wynn, Snowy and ROOBOO and good job Helpers! I salute you!

MAX: 51+

Comment below if you attended the event!

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Food For Every Soul

Welcome back Folks!!! Welcome to our Second edition of Food for Every Soul a series by Maya and me where we interview people from Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes! For our second post, we decided to interview the talented,Sleep deprived, funny, all-loving goose Lieutenant General, Plotter!!!!

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Hello helpers and hatters! today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for this fantastic event!
We did some stunning tactics and formations across Town and Snow Forts lead by Joe, and Mayathefirst. followed by a fun game of hide and seek afterwards. Thank you all for attending!

MAX: 40+

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Greetings Fam… Today we encountered another amazing yet green beans event which was [AUSIA] OPERATION: GO GREEN.
We all logged on to CPRewritten – Ascent to show our appreciation for Mother Nature.

The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.
-Lady Bird Johnson

Jayden, Mandal, Scorp, Diwix, and RU led us as we waddled around Town, Coffee shop, Snowforts, plaza, and lastly Forest!
Have a glance at the greenery below and make sure to join our next event for more fun!

MAX: 49+

Comment below if you attended the event!

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HF De-lice-ious Awards 2021

Hello Comrades, here is the complete list and winners of the Help Force De-lice-ious Awards 2021.

Congratulations to all those that were nominated and those who won an award! Continue reading

Rainbow’s Igloo Catalog Guide – May 2021

Welcome back for the 2nd time for May’s Catalog! This time, we will be seeing the secret of May’s both Igloo and furniture Catalog in Club Penguin Rewritten! Continue reading