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Faces of the Force – Juanita


Helpers, visitors and raccoons, welcome to yet another edition of the series that you were all waiting for! Yes, this Sunday’s Faces of the Force is finally here! If you don’t know, each week we are interviewing one of the most active and helpful members of HF. Everyone has a chance to be featured! Hope you will enjoy the new post and the conversation with the definition of sweetness… Juanita!

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The HF Beacon

ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon! After lots of events on Friday and Saturday, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!
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Weekly Reflection

Week in Review

[02/28 – 03/06]

The week was filled with many amazing events, battles and games! Our average maxes along with the main event max increased and we had a lot of fun! Great job everyone and hopefully the next week will be even better!

Max Averages

AUSIA: 36 [10↑]
EU: 36 [2↑]
US: 28 [1↑]
INT: 45 [-]
Main Event Max: 49 [13↑]

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[US] Practice Battle vs SWAT

Hey Helpers! Today we all logged onto CPR – Ascent for a Practice Battle against SWAT. Tactics, bombs and formations were all performed perfectly with coordination. The Rooms in which the Battle took place in were: The Cove, The Stadium, and Docks. Led by Commander Barnito, 2ic Nell, 3ic Joe and 4ic Maya. Good Job Helpers!

Max: 28+

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Nap Segment Insights

Welcome back to Nap Segment Insights, a weekly series dedicated to everyone’s favorite type of seg: napping!

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Howdyyy Pizza Lovers! Today we logged onto CPR actually to eat. Oops I mean we logged onto CPR for the amazing AUSIA event led by Wynn, Nelly, and Slushy and we really had fun with numerous tactics and formations as we moved through the Stadium, the Pizza Parlor, and the Docks! Get a peek of the event from the pictures below and come along and join us next time for even more fun!:wink:

Max: 36+

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[EU] Practice Battle vs Ice Warriors

Hey Helpers! Today we all logged onto CPR for a Practice Battle against our allies, Ice Warriors. Tactics, bombs and formations were all performed perfectly with coordination. The Rooms in which the Battle took place in were: The Stadium, The Docks, and Forest. Led by Commander Barnito, 2ic Nell and 3ic Joe. Good Job Helpers!

Max: 36+

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged back onto CPR for a great [INT] Helpforce Buys Starbucks event. The Helpers definitely had their coffees this morning as we witnessed some great coffee related tactics and emotes at the Stadium, Coffee Shop and Inside Mine. The event was led by Nell, Diwix and Chloe. Thanks everyone for attending and see you at the next event!

Max: 40+

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Back In Time: Record Maxes

Help Force never always had been in the Major Armies Category. We started off just like the others, small and new to the community. Don’t believe us? Check out this post here from August of 2018, the first Battle Practice HF went through after the Legends Cup of 2018.

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Get To Know The Help Force Staff: Joe

Salutations Helpers! Welcome back to another fabulous interview where you get to know one staff member of Help Force a little better! Stepping into the spotlight this week is HF Admiral Joe! Joe Has been an Admiral since January 2021 and is an active part of the US division, hosting segments, leading in events and much more. Without further ado let us get into the interview!

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