HF Insight: Week of Surprises

Hey there! Welcome to the HF Insight, or HFI for short!

The HF Insight will be about the previous Sunday along with the following Week. (i.e. Sunday-Saturday) 

Table of Contents

    • What’s Happening?
    • Week in Short
    • Interviews
    • Army Statistics for the Week
    • HF Insight Insider Info

What’s Happening?

Welcome to What’s Happening? Here, we will go through all the latest server updates for the week! Of course, we can’t forget the casual HF Gossip! Let’s find out What’s Happening!

This week we got a surprise from our commander Barnito! Help Force Applications!! Helpers have a variety of options to apply for! Moderator, Tracker, Blogger hope to see some of you apply for this job:heh: and Designer! Good luck to everyone who is applying! And remember everyone has a chance! WHOOP WHOOP! If you haven’t applied yet, don’t worry! You have time until tomorrow!

There’s also a Party happening soon in Help Force Island so please keep an eye on the HF Island Updates that Jayden and Janez are going to make!

Week In Short

Sunday, 6th September 2020

Today was our Break Day! We had various Segment sessions to make HF grow and we enjoyed our free time! We also got to compete at a Find Four tournament hosted by Joe! It was really fun! Congrats to the winners! WHOOP WHOOP

Monday, 7th September 2020

On your mark, get set gooooo HELP FORCE! On Monday we had our [US] Referee Takeover on HF Island. Led by Kendall, Taylor and Riley! The US division maxed 20+.

Tueday, 8th September 2020

Today we had we had events from the remaining time zones… AUSIA and EU! The first one logged on for our Blue Mermaid Takeover! Led by Barnito, known as Mr. Commander, and Riley! AUSIA maxed 48+! On the other side the EU division logged on for their Decaf Coffee Takeover. The leaders were Monika, Rooboo and Hannah! We can’t espresso how hot the tactics were!

Wednesday, 8th September 2020

Wednesday was different because we didn’t have a takeover but an Operation!! We logged on CPArmies and our AUSIA division maxed 36+ Helpers! Click here to read the post

Thursday, 9th September 2020

This day we had another Operation but this one was different because it was a preparation for our Practice Battle on Friday… The [EU] Operation: Battle Preparation was led by Barnell (we are still waiting for that wedding guys..) and we maxed 33+ Helpers!

Friday, 10th September 2020

THE DAY CAME!  In the morning of AUSIA we prepared ourselves with segments… Our [EU] Practice Battle vs IW took place on CPArmies and was led by our two leaders!! It was really fun and we maxed 45+! WHOOP WHOOP! Next time make sure you max for promos people 

Saturday, 11th September 2020

Another Break Day! Saturday included a lot of segments, that included a Recruitment Segment for the AUSIA division hosted by Riley/Kara and a Stamp Segment for the EU division hosted by Rooboo and Chickn!


GoTW Interview
Dated: 08/09/2020

HFI: Hii Sods! It’s a pleasure to be interviewing you today! To start the interview off, how does it feel being GoTW?

Sods: Well, firstly I loved how everyone were super supportive and motivating when I first got here. Quite honestly it feels amazing being a GOTW. It’s more of a personal achievement of mine so really grateful for that! :blush:

HFI: Aww that’s really sweet! You have done so well to achieve GoTW so quickly into joining Help Force! What did you have to do to win? Anything in particular?

Sods: Yes! I was on first week at HF when I decided to aim for GOTW. There’s so many things that has helped me become one. Since I was pretty much new to Help Force family, I decided to keep an open mind and get in touch with other GOTWs, to learn their ways of recruiting. Secondly, every GOTW will tell you this – never miss any segment or a tournament. Try recruiting out of segment as much possible! And rest adequately so as to function well in segments !!

HFI: Yeah I totally agree, recruit as much as you can! It’s necessary if you wanna win! So Sods, since you’re the current GoTW, you get your own command. Have you thought of what it says/does yet?

Sods: Since I’m a major cat mom myself, I always wanted to dedicate my command to them! It would definitely be a cute cat pun or something like that:heart_eyes_cat::hearts:

HFI: Awwwwww!! I love cats too, can’t wait to see it!! 😀 Changing the subject a little bit now, do you have any hobbies out of Help Force? What do you enjoy doing?

Sods: I’m glad you like cats too!! One of my favorite past time has to be reading. I absolutely love to pick a good book on fiction, novel or drama! I carry a passion to research more about skincare when I have the time to do so :blush: Lastly it has to be experimenting with cooking! :woman_cook:

HFI: Oooo nice! I only find myself reading if it’s anything related to Harry Potter, lol! Do you think you would like to go for GoTW again? Remember we have the GoTW Specialist role now!

Sods: Totally! I would love to aim for GOTW specialist soon! :relaxed:

HFI: That’s amazing, I would love to see you achieve it! Final question, do you have any advice for our Helpers who want to go for GoTW themselves?

Sods: My only advice would be is to believe in yourself first! Know that you will see you name your name on the top that of that leaderboard one day !! Try pushing yourself out of the comfort zone and don’t ever miss segments of any sort ! :relaxed:

HFI: Aww that’s some good advice! Well thank you for being my first interview within HF and taking the time to talk! :smiling_face_with_3_hearts: and well done once again!

Army Statistics for the Week

Thanks to the CPAH Top Ten  here are the statistics for the week!

Inside the HF Insight Insider Info

We recruited 100+ Helpers from 6th – 12th September!! Welcome, all you new amazing helpers!
If you have any insights about HF make sure you DM 𝕄onika#0001 or Holly#1478!

Well, that’s all we have for today! Join us next week as we take a look at the newest events that unfold. Keep unleashing the power of helping!


HFI Co-writers: Monika and Holly

Editor: Barnito

6 Responses

  1. Awesome post! great interview sods, Holly and Monika :’))


  3. WOOOO that was sooo cool you guys 🥰 Congrats again sodssss

  4. Whoooooo !!! Yayyyyyy amazing job you guys… Cgg again sodss!!!!

  5. Amazingggg jobbbbbbbbb.! really really proud of you all.!;)<3

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