Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto HFIsland for our LOBSTER TAKEOVER. This event included rooms Fire Dojo, Stadium, Iceberg led by Hannah, Janez and Rooboo. We did amazing formation and lobster inspired tactics and a variety of bombs.

MAX: 33+

Comment below for points!

Unleash The Power Of Helping!

18 Responses

  1. I was there <3

  2. attended

  3. Planet was there!

  4. I attended, HFBF

  5. I was there as grdngiraffe

  6. Attended! Tysm for hosting THE BEST EVENT TILL DATE! – Sods

  7. I cameee and it was one of the bestesttss

  8. This event was done in a snap!!! It was so fun, it might even have been against the claw. Thanks for hosting, i loved it.
    -chickn strips#2383 Chickn

  9. Attended! It was awesome, ty for hosting!

  10. Thank YOU for Hosting I loved the event today 😀

  11. I came to the event

  12. Attended- thanks for hosting -2k76

  13. I attended! – Piesu

  14. I attended! The new heart formation is amazing…
    HF and Discord: Sam Chilles

  15. I was there as BT21 same discord name too

  16. I attended! -thetical#5252

  17. We are amazing lobster forceee!!!!
    Thankkk youuu for hosting ^_^

  18. I attended! sorry i was late to write this up, penguin name is GojiraMosura, Discord name- Anish Sangpa

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