Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for a Mining Event! The rooms being used were Town, Iceberg, and Beach lead by Kendall and Taylor. We did many mining tactics, a variety of bombs, and formations.

MAX: 44+

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Thanks for coming today, hope you see you at more events.
Keep Unleashing The Power of Helping!

18 Responses

  1. I came

  2. I comment for a cookie or marshmallow 🙂

  3. attended

  4. I came

  5. I was there as Jxn101, ty for hosting!!

  6. I attended!

    Help Force Best Force!

  7. I came

  8. I attended

  9. i came:)

  10. THANK YOU FOR HOTING, Snowflake-Soft.

  11. i came!

  12. I was here!

  13. I was there!

  14. I attended

  15. I attended

  16. […] second event for the day was a [US] Miners Event led by Kendall and Taylor. This event maxed a good 44+ and they dug up some good tactics for our […]

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