Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for a Coffee Takeover! This event includes the rooms Town, Coffee Shop, and Inside Mine led by Monika, Kendall, and Taylor.
We did many bombs, a variety of formations, and coffee-related tactics!

MAX: 34+

Make sure you comment below for points!

Thanks for attending today, hope you see y’all at more events to come.
Keep Unleashing The Power of Helping!

11 Responses

  1. attended

  2. attended

  3. I attended :p

  4. I attended!

  5. I was there as Jxn101, TY FOR HOSTING

  6. I attended!

  7. i came:)

  8. attended

  9. I attended

  10. Thank YOU For Hosting, Snowflake-Soft.

  11. I attended

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