[AUSIA] Silver Sword Takeover

Hey helpers! Today we logged on into CPR – Blizzard for our Silver Sword Takeover! It included the Town, Stadium and the Snow Forts led by Marshmallow, Riley and Crystal respectively! The event went well with amazing tactics and formations! Good job Helpers! AUSIA FORCE BEST FORCE

MAX: 48+

Comment on the post if you came for promotions!

28 Responses

  1. I attended!

  2. i came – pinktheking

  3. I attended!!!!
    pragya tanu

  4. i attended!!

  5. I attended! Ty!

  6. I attended!- Urkugs

  7. I attended! Ausia Force Best Force!

  8. It was a nice evnt, i attanded

  9. Attended – Venys2000

  10. I came! Ty for hosting! Ausia Force Best Force!

  11. i was there 🙂

  12. I attended! 😀

  13. Attended – Aoao 6 :haha: :hell:

  14. I attended!!! Thanks for hosting.!!!!!

  15. I attended and enjoyed myself thoroughly – ShinyNiffler

  16. I attended!

  17. I attended -Skillz


  19. Thank you for Hosting <3 It was soo damn fun.

  20. Thank YOU for Hosting, Snowflake.

  21. I Attended To Albert

  22. attended

  23. Jooniee7#9218 – I Attended The Event!

  24. I attended✨Ty for hosting!!

  25. i attended!!

  26. i attended

  27. i attended

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