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How To: Fun Events- Card-Jitsu

So, helpers, there is a Card-Jitsu event soon! And if you haven’t been in one, here is how it goes!

As you can see a signup form is given above! To participate you must fill that form to be in the tournament!

Fill in the Info below with your discord username( it can be your nickname on the server) and your CP Name.

Once the form is filled you will need to wait for the event. When it is time to log on, you must be ready in the Dojo. The host will then tell you to possibly go in formation and say a tactic. once this is done, the tournament list is displayed to you to see. There will be Rounds that can be at least 3 rounds depending on the number of people attending.

Now round 1 will begin. When the Host says Round 1 starts, All people from round 1 will go ahead. When you have finished your match in round won you are requested to say and also send a screenshot saying you have won. After that, you should not play the next round until everyone from round 1 is done and the host announces the next round can begin.

This process is repeated until the finals!

Once the finals end, Well… That’s it! I hope you enjoyed this quick little guide for The Card-Jitsu Tournament. Good Luck!

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