February 2020 Furniture Catalog Secrets

Hey Helpers! The February 2020 Furniture Catalog has come out, and it has loads of fun puffle-related items!

Here is your guide to the catalog for this month!

On the first page, the secret items are the Puffle Tubes worth 100 coins, a Puffle Rug worth 200 coins, and the Snappy Shark worth 250 coins.

On the second page, the secret items are the Blue Gym Mat for 100 coins and the Mop & Bucket for 50 coins.

On the third page, the secret items are the Green Oval Rug for 550 coins, the Scroll-down Map for 150 coins and the Easel for 180 coins.

That’s all the new furniture items for this month, Helpers! Until next time, waddle on, and unleash the power of helping!

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