Hello Everyone! Last Sunday, we logged on CPABattleground to count the attendees of the stamp segment then we logged on Club Penguin Journey to collect some stamps! All thanks to Thuanthaijo and BEASTO for leading the event! and Thanks everyone for attending the event! :DDD

MAX: 26+

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The HF Beacon

ZIPLINE, Beacon Office — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon. After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!

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Get to Know Your Staff – BEASTO

Hello lovely readers of Help Force! I am back with with another part of Get to Know Your Staff, in which we will be meeting the staff! Today’s guest is… absolute beast, funny and gets banned all the time! I present you king of the monkes BEASTO!

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By Anonymous: The Helpers Guess Pt.3

Hey Helpers! We are back with another edition of the By Anonymous: The Helpers Guess, the Helpers are back at it again, they are writing messages to people and making sure to always be beautiful with their words!

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Greetings Comrades! Today we logged on CPABattleground for a very fun Ausia Arena battle against our lovely allies, Army of Club Penguin. We did fantastic forms and tactics; it was one-of-a-kind battle. We went from Iceberg to Dojo to Snow Forts, led by Rooboo, Desireus and Snowflake in VC, we had an amazing Victory! We also had the best max of the month so far, and we got some promotions in the Staff team!

Max: 40+

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Hello Helpers! Last Wednesday we logged on CPABattleground for a battle against our brother allies, Army of Club PenguinWe did amazing forms and tactics and enjoyed the battle. Comment below if you attended this battle. 😀

Max: 11+

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Help Force Daily: March to Victory!

Hello Helpers! As you all know we have reached the Finals in the March Madness tournament, and as we march closer to the grand battle day against the Rebel Penguin Federation, let us look at how the Helpers have been preparing themselves for the battle.

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By Anonymous: The Helpers Guess

Hello and welcome everyone! Today we are having a new twist for the By Anonymous post, some helpers have sent new anonymous messages to some of their friends in the Community, and their friends got the chance to guess who wrote it for them!

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By Anonymous: The Helpers Confess

Hey Helpers! Today we are going to have a very funny and an unusual post. I asked a couple people from our lovely Help Force troops and allies to write something to some of their friends in the Community.

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PokéStaff: Pokédex Entry #1

PokéStaff is a series of posts that will revolve around the theme of the popular video game/ anime Pokémon. Have you ever wondered which Pokémon you are? Of course, everyone has. And some of us have even found the answer to that question. The next question level of that question would be, which pokemon are the Help Force staff members? I will be answering that very question in this post! Please keep in mind that I have assigned pokemon to the people depending on their nature and not the Pokémon’s power.

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