Shad’s Office~
Alright so this is for those that don’t exactly know who I am. My name is Shad and I am the Help Force Advisor. I have been in Armies since 2006 and been off and on with Armies since 2013 with a couple months off in between. I completely left for 2 years in 2017. I have lead many armies with notables such as RPF, UMA, ST, GT, and FGR as well as created a couple armies one being very successful called Black Rebels. Now that I have told you experience with armies let me get down to it.
Now the reason I have decided to write for Help Force is because this is one of my favorite setups in armies I have seen since my time in Shadow Troops in 2012.
- I can actually feel the comradery in the army and can feel it as more of a family.
- Everything that your leaders have done to this army is everything an Army needs to be. Fun, serious, and plenty of laughs.
- Lots of events/segments is what a successful army needs. I see armies all around where troops are complaining and veterans are complaining and I come to this army and never see any of that. This is what an army is about.
If any new troops are reading this whether you have joined or thinking of joining then this army is the one to join. Your leaders have taken an extra step above other armies in my opinion to make this enjoyable. I can go and on about this army, but I will stop for now. All that and more is why I have decided to write for y’all.
Now I will give yall an insight on what some of my post in here will be aboutΒ :
I will be writing about philosophy with armies, a Weekly post with a name to be determined which will be released every Sunday, as well as different tips for all of you to help you become more successful in this army.
On my weekly post for Sundays I will be releasing various articles for it and will end with an “Ask Shad” article. The Ask Shad will be for you troops that may have some questions about who knows what that you may have. I will answer them in the post for you. You can either ask me anonymously or public. If it’s anonymous then I won’t put your name in the post if it isn’t then I will put your name out there. For the Ask Shad I will give you a way to send your questions to :
Send your Questions for this Sunday’s “Ask Shad” :
**Direct message me on Discord : My Discord Username is SirShad#5616**
Also at the end of every post I will ask for ideas for future posts :
If you have anything that you would want to post about whether you want tips for so and or tips for this, that, or the other than please let me know. I want YOUR ideas so I know what you, the people, want. I am here for you. I like hearing feedback about everything as it only makes me a better writer. Anyways, that’s all for now. If you want to know anything more about me or who I am then please feel free to ask me on chat. I am always on.
War is Our Peace.

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