Welcome back to the most vibey blog in town! In this blog, I go around and search for people around the Help Force and interview them about what are some things that they’re iconic by! This is honestly a redemption of the last “post” I did, so it’s going to be less boring I imagine? (no promises tho)
The Help Force Vibes – Beanieval20
The Help Force Vibes – Sanya
Welcome back to the Help Force Vibes! This is a blog where it has amazing people, fun vibes, and interesting answers. The main idea of this post is getting some associations with what people are known by! Today, I have brought a very sweet and humorous HF troop with me! Read the blog to know more.
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The Help Force Vibes – Javi
Welcome back to the vibiest-est blog out there! If you haven’t read the first blog where I interviewed Chimkin aka Ally aka Blob, this is your chance to do so! Or if you are too lazy like me, which I don’t blame you for, this is a blog where I scavenge around to find helpless penguins to interrogate and ask questions about a couple of things of what they’re known for! There is almost nobody more in this world that I want to interview about their chaotic self than one of our two generals!
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The Help Force Vibes – Chimkin
Welcome to a new blog segment where I interrogate ask troops and staff in HF some questions of what they’re iconic by! Everyone has a certain thing they’re known by, and it can either be endearing or insulting. FOR EXAMPLE WHY TF AM I THOUGHT OF AS A HIPPO >:( There’s plenty of other better looking animals! They say its all love, but that’s just lies I tell you. I wouldn’t start off this series by asking someone about why they are related to something they despise. So in today’s post, I am interviewing a friendly junior staff! Continue reading