The HF De-lice-ious Awards 2021 — [Voting]
HF’s Golden Helpers Award — 2020
The newly introduced title of “Golden Helpers” is arguably one of the greatest honors a person can achieve in the Help Force. Being a Golden Helper means that you have influenced the community throughout the year. Through a vigorous voting procedure that includes both the ‘HF 13’ points, we could narrow our list down to the top five inductees this year. With around eighty submissions in total, many notable people didn’t make it to the award list. Be it the staff effort by dignitaries like Rooboo, Monika, and Jayden or the recruitment streak by troops like Diwix, Snowflake, and several others, these achievements throughout the year have shaped the army to become successful.
HF “13” — Winter Session 2020 [VOTING]
A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.
Progressing with the awards culture at the end of the year, we present to you the winter session of the “HF 13” inductions. Getting a place on the list is one of the greatest honors one can achieve in our community. It recognizes the individuals who have made the biggest impact on the overall aspect of the Help Force.
End of the Year Awards 2020 — The Results
ZIPLINE, Vedant’s Restaurant — After three days of voting, and a turnout of over sixty votes, we can now bring to you the results of the End of the Year Awards 2020.
End of the Year Awards: 2020 [VOTING]
It is that time of the year again after a long atypical year of many many events, both in real life and in our community that has happened. We saw many events, situations, new faces and bid farewell to others. It is time to reminiscence them all and vote for the best ones. Many moments, many situations, many people we have seen through this year that are memorable and worth remembering. Here we present to you The Help Force End of the Year Awards for 2020. Continue reading
HF De-lice-ious Awards 2020
Hello Comrades, here is the complete list and winners of the Help Force De-lice-ious Awards 2020.
Congratulations to all those that were nominated and those who won an award! Continue reading