Faces of the Force – autotheaurus

Hello Helpers!! Guess who is back with another blog! In this blog I interview some of the Troops of Help Force and get to know more about them!! He is a member of our help family since June 2024! He can always be seen around having a fun time on the chat and is ranking up to being a First Lieutenant! This week, we are introducing to the Faces of the Force, our very own Auto!!

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Faces of the Force – smol bean

Hello Helpers!! Guess who is back with another blog! YES,  In this blog I interview some of the Troops of Help Force and get to know more about them!! We have a friendly and lovely Helper this week on Faces of the Force! She is a new member with her charms shining in just five months! She can always be seen around having a fun time on the chat and is ranking up to being a First Lieutenant! This week, we are introducing to the Faces of the Force, our very own smol bean!!

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Faces of the Force – Miggieskies

Hello Helpers!! Guess who is back with another blog! YES,  In this blog I interview some of the Troops of Help Force and get to know more about them!! This week on Faces of the Force we have a friendly and charming Helper! He is a new member with his charms shining in just four months! They can always be seen around on the chat and is ranking up to being a Major! This week, we are introducing to the Faces of the Force, our very own Miggieskies/Saya!!

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Faces of the Force – Weird’o

Hello Helpers!! Guess who just invaded on another blog! YES, I am back reviving another blog <33 In this blog I’m gonna interview some of the Troops of Help Force and get to know more about them!! This week on Faces of the Force we have a friendly and charming Helper! She is a new member with her charms shining in just four months! She is showing lots of potential since she is ranking up to being a commodore! This week, we are introducing to the Faces of the Force, our very own Weird’o!!

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Faces of the Force – Jonathan

Hey Helpers! Today on Faces of the Force we are going to interview a special Person in the Help Force, as he has always been active and most of the time chatting with others whenever he can, and always making sure to remind everyone that they are special. Please everyone welcome today’s Face of the Force, Jonathan!

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Faces of the Force – Nell

Hey lovely Helpers! Today on Faces of the Force we are going to have a very special and interesting interview. The Member we chose for this interview has been in the Help Force for a long while whether as a Troop, staff Member or a Commander. Please everyone welcome today’s Faces of the Force, Nell!

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Faces of the Force – JazXD

Hello Helpers! Today on Faces of the Force we are happy to introduce one of the most amazing and active members in the Help Force who has been grinding through the ranks since he joined the Community! Recently, he has joined the Junior staff to become part of the Help Force staff team. Please everyone welcome today’s Face of the Force, JazXD.

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Faces of the Force – Chrissy

Hey there fellow Helpers! Today we are going to have a very special guest to interview, who is very active in chat and loving towards everyone in the community. She has been climbing through the ranks since the moment they joined the Army, even becoming a very iconic US member! Please everyone welcome today’s Faces of the Force Chrissy.

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Faces of the Force – katiee

Welcome back fellow helpers of the Help Force! This week on Faces of the Force we are greeted by a cheery and enthusiastic Helper! She has been climbing steadily in a few months, even becoming a new junior staff member! You can miss her Goomba profile picture joining in on fun events! Introducing this week to the Faces of the Force, Help Force Brigadier katiee!

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Faces of the Force – Selene

Welcome back fellow helpers of the Help Force! This week on Faces of the Force we have a friendly and charming Helper! She is a new member who has her charms shining in just four months! She is showing lots of potential, since she is ranking up to being a colonel. Introducing this week to the Faces of the Force, Help Force star Selene!

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