HF De-lice-ious Awards 2022

Hello Comrades, here is the complete list and winners of the Help Force De-lice-ious Awards 2020.

Congratulations to all those that were nominated and those who won an award!

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HF De-lice-ious Awards – [NOMINATIONS]

Hello comrades and welcome to the Official Nominees of the HF De-lice-ious Awards!

Congratulations to all the people that were nominated, and keep reading to know how to vote!

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Christmas letters for Santa Elp!

Hello comrades! As you all know, Christmas is almost upon us, and as tradition the staff members get to write letters to Santa Elp which he will read and reply to, and see if they will be granted their wish or punished for such foolishness. Staff can ask for whatever they want, so keep on reading to see what they wrote!

Let’s read some letters, shall we?

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HF De-lice-ious Awards 2021

Hello Comrades, here is the complete list and winners of the Help Force De-lice-ious Awards 2021.

Congratulations to all those that were nominated and those who won an award! Continue reading

The HF De-lice-ious Awards 2021 — [Voting]

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A De-Lice-ious story – Final Part

Hello my children. This will be my last post of A De-Lice-ious story. Thank you all for reading, for your feedback and as I said in the first post: it is not my intention to offend or point out anyone. It is up to everyone to read, realize stuff and maybe improve their lives in some cases. But if you took the time to actually read all of the posts, I am thankful. It was my idea to do these posts to share my thoughts and relieve some burdens expressing them through this. I have also included some questions I have been asked so stick around to see them all.

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A De-lice-ious story – Part 3

Hello my children. Welcome back to the third part of the A De-lice-ious story.  This one was not an easy one to write as I try to be as neutral as possible and not to offend anyone and tell a story from a leader perspective. Please read it through and give me your feedback, I love talking to some of you and debating our points of view after seeing what I had posted.

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End of the Year Awards: 2020 [VOTING]

It is that time of the year again after a long atypical year of many many events, both in real life and in our community that has happened. We saw many events, situations, new faces and bid farewell to others. It is time to reminiscence them all and vote for the best ones. Many moments, many situations, many people we have seen through this year that are memorable and worth remembering. Here we present to you The Help Force End of the Year Awards for 2020. Continue reading

A De-lice-ious story – Part 2

Welcome back my children. Have you enjoyed the first part? I am glad. The feedback I got was pretty helpful. And for those that said I have lied, that is up to you to think. Now, without further ado in this post I will cover some points that were on my mind lately. Don’t worry, you will still find some stories. In the next post, even more 😉 Continue reading

A De-Lice-ious story – Part 1: An Introduction

Today is Thursday, December 10th 2020. By the time I started writing this, means I have been two years already in CP Armies and in what I call the Glorious Gracious Motherland: Help Force. It was never of my like to write posts or, better said, doing these kinds of posts because I simply didn’t enjoy doing them. But this is something that has been on my mind for quite some time already and I think it will be better if I share my thought with all of you. My intention is not to attack, offend or provoke anything, nor is this an exposing post of any kind. I just want to “get this off my chest” and maybe, who knows, help others know how to affront these situations.

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