
Welcome to the History Page of Help Force

This page contains a complete archive of the history of Help Force, up to the current generation. The archive below is divided into Eras and Generations, each one denoting a significant span of time of the army and its achievements.

Unleashing the Power of Helping since ’18.

March 2018 – December 2019

The Formation

LEADERS: Ayan, Timrainers, Morty, Attacker, Christene, DrFlen

The first generation of the Help Force saw the rise of the army under Ayan’s leadership. This involved creating the army, recruiting new members, and fighting an important war against Green Mercenaries Army. By the end of this generation, Help Force was ready to become one of the biggest armies of the modern era. 

The Beginning
Ayan created the Help Force in Club Penguin Online on March 11th, 2018, under the name “Helpful Friends.” Due to the server’s defacement in less than a day, the Help Force CPO was officially reformed on March 13th, 2018.
Legends Cup 2018
The Help Force grew to be an S/M (Small/Medium) army in the space of a couple of weeks, maxing around 8-10 in events. By July, staff members were hired, and the Discord server was set up, with scheduled events. In July, CPO creator and owner Riley announced the the Legend’s Cup tournament, which began in mid-July. The Help Force defeated Wild Ninjas in the first round but lost to the Elite Guardians in the second after a difficult one-sided battle.
ETA Tension Period and the Fall
As summer came to an end, The Help Force and the Elite Trackers and Activities endured a series of fights due to a misunderstanding during army events. Soon, members started going inactive, and four people from the staff team retired. This pushed the army into a dark period resulting in the max dropping and the server becoming idle.
In September, after Bestpenguin and Christene joined The Help Force, they and Morty helped revive the army’s activeness.
GMA War and the Uprise
During the World War between the United Front and the Red Dawn Alliance, The Help Force regained its activeness by regularly hosting various fun events. This also brought about the alliance between Help Force and the Green Mercenaries. Soon after, a practice battle turned the tables, which resulted in a short-term war. After 2 battles, the GMA merged into RPF.
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AGC and Christmas Chaos
In November, an Alliance was formed between the Help Force and the Ninjas. After the Christmas Chaos ended, the Templars of CP and the Elite Guardians decided to rebel against the Club Penguin Online’s Army League, creating the NVA. This led to the formation of the Huge Alliance: GOW (Gods of War) between the Help Force, Pirates, and the Ninjas, under the leadership of Epic101 and Ayan. The war between GOW and NVA lasted for many days until Edu, EGCP Leader, asked for a peace treaty.
The Golden Age & The January Drama
The Help Force grew during the early winter months after recruiting heavily for a while, and by the end of December, started maxing around 40 consistently. Leader Morty retired from the Help Force at this time. The activity continued, and The Help Force soon rose to its first golden age, led by Ayan. The army reached a high max of 60+ on CPO. However, the January Drama was a setback. Armies like EGCP and Templars started conspiring against the CPO Army League and decided to leave it. It was at this time DrFlen entered the community. Due to continued pressure and blackmails, Ayan decided to move Help Force to Club Penguin Rewritten, which resulted in Help Force getting banned from Club Penguin Online. In an unexpected turn of events, a new HF server arose, led by CPO administrators. Due to false propaganda pushed by the CPO administration, the community split into two. This resulted in the loss of more than 50% of the army’s active troops and thus laid the foundation to rise again with a new set of leaders and a new generation.

Help Force Owns

LEADERS: Ayan, Attacker, Spotty, Elpiojo

The Second Generation began with rebuilding and reviving the activity of the army. Through thick and thin troubles, handling wars with various armies, and introducing mass-recruiting methods, The Help Force was able to topple many the Major Armies under the Triads’ Reign (Ayan, Spotty, and Elpiojo). This generation saw huge maxes and several victories in battle, and concluded with the retirement of Ayan. 

Rebuild and the MAC War:
The second generation began with new hype and excitement. This meant intense recruiting and a handful of battles and wars. The Help Force formed the National Armies Alliance (NAA) alongside the Ninjas and Aliens of CPO. In the meantime, the Aliens sided with the Fashion Army and formed another alliance against the NAA, after many controversies. This was known as the Modern Alliance of CPO. This resulted in a war that consisted of several battles, won by The Help Force and the NAA.
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Tensions between Major Armies:
The Help Force grew larger, recruiting about 400 new members every week. During this time, the Light Troops (LT) started conspiring against NAA when their staff announcement channel was leaked. This resulted in the start of some of the fiercest battles ever seen in CPO. The Help Force invaded Flurry (LT’s Capital) in an AUSIA event. This provoked the Pirates into joining LT’s Side. They were soon joined by the Templars, engaging in several battles with HF. Results were completely biased in around 2-3 battles, and Help Force was forced to retreat from the Black Alliance War, stating that the army would not consider the Server Map of the Army League.
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NAA Reform and the First Templar War:
Soon, the Help Force and Pirates decided to neutralize, and the conflict ended; thus, the Pirates joined the NAA. With 4 of the best armies in the Alliance: Help Force, Pirates, Royals, and Aliens, the NAA was completely revamped and was hosting huge events on CPO. The NAA fought against the Templars and won under the Leadership of Ayan, Spotty, Sacha, Romeo, and Bucky. This also led to the Templars getting banned from CPO.
The Triads and the Growth:
Arguably one of the best sets of leaders HF had ever seen, Ayan, Spotty, and Elpiojo brought the army to new heights. Together after the wars, they worked on introducing many new things involving The Help Force community. Event calendars, the Spanish Community, and recruitment in all 3 time zones, among other changes, were introduced and saw great army improvement. The Help Force defeated the Pirates and soon got the #1 Place on the Top Ten and managed to stay in this position for around a month. The Help Force also entered its second Golden Age, maxing 60+ for 3 weeks consecutively, with the 4K Helpers Party Event being the highest max.
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Retirement of Ayan:
Ayan announced his retirement from the Help Force and Club Penguin Armies. The retirement event was preceded by a week full of fun events and surprises for the troops. It’s still considered a major event in The Help Force’s history as its founder was retiring. Leadership was thus passed fully onto Spotty and Elpiojo.
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Summer Bash 2019
As the summer approached, the massive Summer Bach tournament was soon to be hosted by the CPO Army League. This saw the brief return of veterans Morty, Attacker, and Ayan returning to ensure that Help Force could win its first major tournament. Help Force dominated in every round, and they made it to the finals against the inauspicious Pirates with Epic101 at the helm. The Help Force won this battle despite Epic’s efforts to rig the results in his favor. The Help Force won the Summer Bash Trophy after consistently maxing high. This victory was Help Force’s first tournament win.
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LEADERS: Spotty, Elpiojo, Kavacado, Lottie, Tistle

With the retirement of Ayan, The Help Force was transferred for the first time to a new main leader, Spotty. With a continuous effort of recruiting and hard work, the army began to average above 60 in all weekend events. It peaked at the highest max of 88 one weekend at the Candycorn Takeover. An exhausting war against the Templars took place, with no results conclusively found and agreed to end in a draw. The Spanish Division grew, and so did server drama, resulting in the army’s main Spanish members’ banishment. After a long while of oppression by the CPO Army League, The First Era ended with the Helper Exodus from CPO to CPR under Ayan and Spotty in December 2019.

Growing and Ascending:
With the takeover of the new leadership, it was ensured that recruiting keep going on in all time zones and that the maxes did not drop. This intensity and effort was clear to see as HF managed to reach the milestone of 88 online Helpers in a CPO event led by Spotty. This proved that Help Force was not just a major army, but a superpower to be reckoned with.
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The Templars War:
When the Templars coming back to CPO, old rivalries came back into action, and a huge war broke out between HF and TCP. The war lasted for about 2 months, during which dozens of battles were fought. Help Force would claim a Templar’s server during AUSIA with no defense by Templars, but the Templars would return during US hours with Spotty and Lottie fighting their sleep schedules to defend. Due to the prolonged duration and no clear winner, Spotty and Xing agreed to call the war a draw, ending with an alliance between the two armies.
Spanish Drama:
During the war, Spotty and the other leaders, Lottie and Tistle, ensured that the Spanish Community stayed alive. Spanish servers on CPO were rich with recruits, but very few were active. The Spanish Division began to see an increase in trolls, who didn’t attend events and only disrupted the server. This became known as the Spanish Division Drama. It quickly grew out of control, with people getting exposed and sometimes manipulated by the Spanish members. Eventually, Spotty and Tistle’s patience ran out, and the Spanish Division was closed.
Helper Exodus, 2019:
Even after Spotty shut down the Spanish Division, its drama hadn’t completely ended.,The CPO Administration got involved and decided to demote Spotty from her moderator position in CPO. The Help Force’s freedom in CPO had vanished, and Spotty decided to retire as leader. Hearing this news, Ayan decided to shut the Help Force down to prevent further drama, and soon announced this decision in the Help Force Discord. These incidents provoked Epic101, CPO AL’s Admin and Server Owner, to start harassing the HF staff team, especially Spotty and Ayan. He made declarations of wanting to take over the Help Force. Upon hearing this, Ayan came back with a plan, and along with Spotty, Elpiojo, and the rest of the leaders and staff, they transformed the current NAA server into the new Help Force server and programmed a bot to ban everyone from the old server and invite them to the new one. Help Force would leave CPO and move to CPR under this exodus plan. This has been considered to be the most major incident in The Help Force’s history, making over 75% of the active members leave out of loyalty to CPO. In spite of this, the army was finally free from the Oppression of CPOAL. HF’s departure from CPO marked the end of Era 1 and paved the way for Era 2 to begin.
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December 2019 – December 2020

Club Penguin Armies

LEADERS: Spotty, Ayan, Lottie, Tistle

After a massive Helper Exodus from Club Penguin Online to Club Penguin Rewritten, event attendance saw a heavy drop. This generation saw the return of Ayan to leadership, joining Spotty, Lottie, and Tistle. Several changes took place and the army rose again, achieving victories against the Templars and the Army of Club Penguin. This then led to Spotty and Lottie’s coup after only 2 months in CPR after unrest in the staff team.

Exodus Aftermath:
From maxing 75 consistantly on CPO, the maxes dropped drastically – often in the 20s. The AUSIA Division was almost dead, while the EU and US were struggling to bring in members. To combat this, the leadership came up with the idea to do rogue events to improve consistency and recruitment. After revamping the whole server, Tistle retired temporarily from leadership. Recruiting done frequently, with just one aim in everyone’s mind – to rise again.
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Holiday Championship 2020:
Club Penguin Armies (CPA) announced the Holiday Championship, which had eight different armies enlisted. After a heavy amount of recruiting and core building, The Help Force was ready to partake and showcase its inner strength. Starting strong, The Help Force secured a dominant 3-0 victory against the Templars in the first round. The quarterfinals were another straight-forward win against the Lime Green Army. Maxing around 40 in both of these battles, The Help Force advanced to the semifinals, fighting against the Army of Club Penguin. ACP had been growing in strength, even securing themselves #1 on the Top Ten that week. Ayan and Spotty faced Koloway; after one of the closest battles modern CPA had ever witnessed, ACP ended up victorious after overtime. This narrow defeat only left the Help Force ready to achieve more in the future.
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Number One :
February drew to a close after seeing an activity peak thanks to the tournament. Recruiting, along with events, was vitalized by the commanders. The final week of January finally saw a real breakthrough as the army managed to obtain the #1 spot on the Top Ten Armies, beating both Rebel Penguin Federation (RPF) and ACP. After Ayan had achieved his real aim, he decided to retire from leadership again, handing the Help Force over to Spotty and Lottie to lead alone.
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Decline & Depression:
After Ayan retired for a second time, server activity began to decline. Fewer events were being hosted and Spotty and Lottie were becoming frustrated with the staff. Both the European and American divisions started declining to below 20, while AUSIA was nearly dead again. The staff team’s frustration continued to build over the next 2 weeks, which led to the army witnessing something it had never seen before, another major incident in The Help Force’s history.
The Coup:
On the 5th of February 2020, Spotty and Lottie were couped from leadership by most of the Help Force’s staff. A huge controversy arose in the server, with the staff team claiming that the leadership was unfit and too demanding, while the leaders claimed that the staff did not care about the army anymore. After a convoluted series of arguments between staff and leaders, Spotty and Lottie, along with another staff member, abandoned the Help Force. This paved the way for a fresh new set of leaders, Moon and Juanita. Tistle was brought back to support them in bringing the army back to its feet. This trio was known as “The Top Dogs.”
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Top Dogs

LEADERS: Tistle, Moon, Juanita, Vedant

After the coup of Spotty and Lottie, the new leaders had to lift the army up and return it to the stage it had been a few weeks prior. The Help Force took part in CPAM’s Premier League Tournament and ended up in wars against the Recon Federation of CP and ACP. After 3 months of leadership with Tistle, Moon fell into an inactive period and retired suddenly. This led Tistle to hire second-in-command Barnito/Vedant as support. The duo took Help Force to its third major Tournament, Legends Cup X, which broke records and brought Help Force back to the state of glory it deserved. After several months of growth and avoiding war, Tistle stepped down from leadership, paving the way for the next generation to take the helm. 

Post-Coup Reconstruction:
After Spotty’s departure, the server was revamped, and recruiting rose intensly again. A new recruiting method was introduced, and events were happening more regularly. Soon maxes were edging back into the 30s and scraping the 40s for the bigger events as Help Force was gradually rebuilding its core once again. The new news and league organization was formed, CPAM, and hosted a premier-league style tournament. This was the first real challenge for the new leaders. After victories against Romans, OMA and LGA, Help Force faced its two toughest opponents of the tournament: ACP, and RPF. Help Force was well beaten by RPF and only narrowly beaten by ACP, finishing 3rd and restoring the same hunger for victory that the Holiday Championship had seen before.
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RFCP and ACP Conflicts:
Help Force grew during March and April. There were talks of CPOAL and CPAM merging, but nothing was confirmed. CPAM continued to lure more armies into its league, but one that didn’t was RFCP, which was isolated and had refused to join CPAM. The Help Force declared war on RFCP and, in the first and only battle of the war, defeated them. RFCP then refused to battle again, claiming victory and accusing The Help Force of breaking war terms. Weeks passed until the ACP war was announced suddenly. Both armies had been allied until this point, but tensions between recruiting via Discord and talk from ACP’s High Command gave the Help Force no choice but to declare war. This became known as World War Rewritten, seeing many armies at war with one another at once. This war, however, had no battles, as ACP and HF agreed to neutrality.
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Moon’s Departure:
By the middle of May both wars had passed, and Help Force was doing well in the TT. Around this time, CPOAL and CPAM agreed to merge after the removal of Epic101. This paved the way to the Club Penguin Army Hub (CPAH) to host all armies under one roof. CPO had closed down by this time, and all remaining armies migrated to CPAH. Help Force’s max wasn’t as strong as before, but the leadership used a combination of rogue and operation events to bolster the Top Ten points each week. After she became too busy with real life, Moon made the decision to retire. Tistle announced staff promotions, including Vedant to Chief. This was the first time since the army’s creation that only a solo leader was in charge.
Legends Cup X 2020:
With all the armies finally together, CPAH hosted the Legends Cup Tournament, the biggest competition seen in a while. Thrity-two armies joined the tournament, and Help Force worked to improve from its last tournament performance. The first two rounds were against Silver Empire and the Royals of CP. Both battles ended in 3-0 victories for Help Force, maxing forty-one and fifty-one, respectively. The Help Force’s first real challenge was the quarterfinals against the Doritos of CP, a powerhouse fat the time. Help Force was expected to lose against Doritos but instead fought valiantly against the odds. Tistle led Help Force to arguably its most impressive competitive victory ever, winning 1-0 against DCP to everyone’s surprise. The max was seventy-one, the record max for a Help Force battle at the time. The semifinals saw Help Force take on Dark Warriors, another CPO army. Once again Help Force was not expected to win, and indeed on the battle day, HF maxed less. In spite of these odds, Tistle led Help Force to a 2-1 victory and brought the army to the finals. Help Force fought RPF in the finals and ultimately lost. Legends Cup X is considered Help Force’s best tournament, stunning the community and surpassing all expectations.
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AUSIA Force:
In the wake of the Legends Cup heroics, Tistle kept the Help Force out of trouble with other armies, avoiding war and staying on good terms with everyone through joint events. The primary aim was to push to be a consistent top-3 army, rather than a mediocre 4th-6th place army. Vedant worked hard as a second-in-command and helped the AUSIA community to grow, reaching 68 in one rogue event and up to 70+ in stamp events. CPR recruiting by this point had become even tougher, but the continued diligently in their efforts. The Help Force reached 5K members by August and beat both ACP and SWAT in Practice Battles. They then faced Ice Warriors during AUSIA and Doritos during EU on consecutive days, winning both battles easily, both led by Vedant. The following week, Help Force was barely edged by RPF in an AUSIA Battle, breaking the AUSIA battle max record with 60 online. Tistle chose this high point to retire properly from The Help Force, paving the way for Vedant and newly appointed Hannah to lead the next generation of Helpers to success.
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The Undaunted

LEADERS: Vedant, Hannah

With Tistle’s retirement, the new lead consisted of Vedant and Hannah as his second-in-command. The transition of leadership was smooth, and maintained good terms with all armies. New staff were appointed. Activity previously peaked because of the LCX Tournament and other practice battles, community building was also through the parties on Help Force Island. Events happening as regular with average maxes. Seeing the performance in the Top Tens and events sloping down a little, the US division was given ample time to recuperate. Then the event schedules were revised and activity in all three time zones were spiking. Both led the Help Force against RPF, and ACP and were narrowly defeated. October started drastically with Hannah’s retirement.
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For the second time, the Help Force was solo led by Vedant, just like his mentor. The changes brought into the Recruitment Division produced effective results. CPAH announced the Fright or Fight tournament for October 2020. This would be the 3rd Tournament for the Help Force in 2020. Quarter Finals against the Water Vikings was again a more competitive win for the Help Force, maxing 67. The Semi-Finals were against RPF, who showed their class and overpowered Help Force. Nonetheless, HF maxed an impressive size of 84 thereby breaking the previous max record of 71 for battle. With a week left in October, the Staff team planned for a theme week. Having our own AS3 CPPS, it was easier to plan with uniforms, custom codes, and items. Once the Halloween Week was announced, the members were delighted. This worked out efficiently with everyone enjoying after a tiring tournament. Not only that, Help Force consistently ranked 2nd and 3rd in the Top Tens. November started with HF’s Piña Colada Olympics, a first-of-its-kind tournament full of CP Games, hosted by Elp. Alongside the Olympics, Vedant initiated the Blue Squadron Program, where troops who joined would be trained and well equipped for the upcoming Tournaments.
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By the end of November, Help Force participated in Christmas Chaos X and Aces of AUSIA (A tournament based specifically for the AUSIA Divisions). The proceedings of the two tournaments were simultaneous without any fixtures overlapping and Vedant appointed third-in-command Nell to assist throughout the Tournaments. The Great AUSIA Gathering of the Aces was HF’s first ever Free-For-All style battling. The Semi-Finals of CCX were once again against the RPF, who won although the helpers put up a good fight. With one last tournament to focus on, Vedant led HF against ACP where they maxed a massive 85, which was a sweeping victory for the Force. With December coming to an end, the Winter Week was announced with a ton of fun events, games etc planned and worked around by the veterans and the Staff. On the weekend, members logged on for the Flash Showdown event to amass an unbelievable milestone of 121, showing the class and the fact that Help Force is truly the Best Force. With a lot of CPPS closing due to Flash, this marked the end of Era 2 and paved the way for Era 3, the HTML5 era.
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January 2021 – August 2024

LEADERS: Vedant, Nell, Ayan, Elp

– TBA – 

The Redout

LEADERS: Wynn, Snowy, Scorp

After Vedant and Nell’s retirement, Wynn and Snowy took over the leadership, along with Scorp as second in command. The new commanders saw a quick succession of tournaments spanning only a few weeks apart, and dealt with the challenges of CPR’s shutdown, opening a new, army-centered CPPS, and a war with SWAT. Help Force participated in 3 tournaments before Wynn and Snowy had been commanders for 4 months, and after CPR’s sudden shutdown, were forced to improve until Club Penguin Army Battleground was released to armies.

December Revamp:

Following Vedant and Nell’s retirement, the army was in a slump after the Legends Cup tournament that took place weeks prior. Wynn was promoted on December 4, and days later fought and won 3-0 against the Water Vikings in the first battle of Christmas Chaos XI. Snowy was promoted the following week, and the two had a close battle against RPF in the semifinals. Following this came Christmas week, which helped to boost server activity back to normal levels and prepare for the next year and tournament. January began with strong recruiting and server activities, and led to HF achieving #1 on the TT and higher maxes after a period of stagnancy. The leadership introduced the combat specialty corps, which helped the troops prepare for the upcoming AUSIA tournament. The month ended with the quarterfinals of AUSIA Arena against ACP, which HF won in a sweeping victory. The following week was the semifinals against IW, but in spite of considerable preparations, no battle took place as CPR crashed hours before it began. The battle was postponed to the following weekend, when HF lost in a close battle to IW. 

Growth Period:

February was spent recruiting and training, with Blue Squadron being brought back in order to prepare troops for the upcoming March Madness tournament. Help Force celebrated its 4th anniversary in mid-March, which was accompanied by an anniversary week celebration. Heavy preparations for March Madness began soon after, and maxes continued to see a rise. Scorp and Wynn led against Secret Service in the first round of MM, and won in a landslide. Wynn, Scorp, and Snowy went on to win the semifinals against TCP, defeating the bigger army without losing a room, and taking a record win. HF would go on to lose to IW in the finals, and only four days later Club Penguin Rewritten was shut down permanently, leaving armies without a game.

Club Penguin Army Battleground:

With the closure of CPR, Wynn, Scorp, and Snowy took this interval to revamp the server rank system, changing promos from point-based to objective and introducing the Sapphire Shop. Only ten days after the shutdown, CPAB was released to the public on April 23 and events resumed with a noticeable lapse in attendance. CPA continued to be active and hosted a community-wide Pride Event in June, which HF attended. Shortly afterwards, Scorp stepped down from second-in-command. Around this time Ayan wrote an expose post on SWAT leader Conor, though no war declarations would be made yet. July 1 saw the opening of the new CPA administration, which HF joined. July was spent invading land on the map and preparing for the upcoming Legends Cup tournament, although unbeknownst to the commanders, it would be delayed until October due to CPAB issues. 

The SWAT War:

On August 23, after snide comments made by SWAT, HF, along with WV, TCP, and IW, declared war on SWAT. Rooboo and Desireus were promoted to leader-in-training, and together with Wynn and Snowy, defeated SWAT in a forced treaty with the final score being 22-0-0. A few weeks passed until LCXII, when HF lost in the first round to ACP. Wynn announced her retirement two weeks afterwards, and only a week after she stepped down, the leaders in training were promoted to commanders. Together Rooboo, Snowy, and Desireus celebrated Halloween Week, which brought back server activity after the back-to-school slump and prepared the troops for Christmas Chaos. December began with Christmas activities and the advent calendar, and the staff team saw an increase in activity. Christmas Chaos XIII began with a sweeping victory over ACP, and ended in the semifinals in a close battle with RPF that went into overtime. After Christmas and New Years had passed, Snowy stepped down from leadership, ending Generation VIII.

LEADERS: Rooboo, Desireus, Beasto, Jo

– TBA – 

September 2024 – Present

LEADERS: Beasto, Diwix, Jo

17 Responses

  1. WE GREW

  2. The New Lead includes a lollipop girl and a tuba boy so far, seems like the new generation is going to be great.

  3. sarisabel02

  4. Such a interesting and inspiring journey for HF


  6. yeetus beetus

  7. The Undaunted! :hell:


  9. history is pog
    i wanna be spotted in the generation vii tho

  10. The Help Force Is OP

  11. interesting history

  12. love u helpforce miss u all.. rlly miss those days man sad thing wont be able to join back

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