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CP Knowledge: Puffle Parties

Hiya helpers! Welcome to a new post of CP Knowledge, the series where I talk about the different themed parties that were held on Club Penguin. From last time, we know all about The Fair, so this week we will be looking into the Puffle Parties!

The Puffle Parties were one of Club Penguin’s five annual parties, being held 2009 – 2016. During the party, the island was generously decorated with puffle toys and balloons. The first 5 years, each puffle colour had a room dedicated to them. It was filled with decorations and toys that matched their personality. For example, the iceberg was given to the pink puffles and featured a trampoline and a skipping rope. 

The Stadium was turned into the Puffle Feeding Area.

Puffles appeared out of the holes and players could throw O’Berries into their mouths, similar to the Feed-A-Puffle game from The Fair.


The first puffle party was announced in Club Penguin Times, “´Aren’t puffles great?´ a puffle expert announced. A representative from the party planning committee said ´They are fantastic, aren’t they? And that’s why we’re throwing a Puffle Party!´” was written in issue 174.

A new party room was added during the 2010 Party. It was called the Puffle Show and had some activities for puffles, such as an obstacle course. Fun fact: If you took a black puffle to the obstacle course, it would yawn and walk directly to the finish line, and then stick its tongue out. Such an iconic black puffle move.

The brown puffle was discovered during the Wilderness Expedition a few months before the 2011 party. Strangely, their dedicated room featured balloons even though brown puffles are afraid of them.

The 2012 Puffle Party was the first time we saw PH (Paige the Puffle Handler) as a mascot! It also brought a new party room called Puffle Play Zone, it was similar to the Puffle Show, but more modern. 

In 2013, we got a new permanent building! The Puffle Hotel was designed by PH and was a place you could take good care of your puffles at. As described by Aunt Arctic, it was “THE puffle hot spot”. 

The Puffle Park was also a permanent spot built during next year’s party. Just like the Puffle Hotel, you could bring your puffles to play with them and increase their stats. 

The last Puffle Party to be held on Club Penguin let penguins play hide-and-seek with puffles in order to adopt them. You could also adopt all old puffles that were exclusively available at previous parties. The party included 12 days of different parades based on puffle colours too, and was the longest Puffle Party ever!

New Puffles

A new species of puffle was discovered during the first Puffle Party. A white puffle could be seen hiding behind some bushes at the Dojo, and at the ski hill next to a sign, every 30 minutes. 

Just like the white puffle was introduced, the orange puffle was new for 2010. It could be seen in the box dimension, ski village, and ski lodge, if 10 orange penguins were present. 

When the Puffle Hotel was built in 2013, PH installed a cannon on the roof so that penguins could launch themselves to the Cloud Forest and adopt the new rainbow puffle! 

A week before the party started, rainbow puffles fell down from the sky every few minutes at the Dock, Beach, and Forest, before quickly flying back up again. 

In 2014, Rockhopper’s supply of stinky cheese was suspiciously low. He searched his ship but found nothing but crumbs, although heard meows and barks coming from somewhere. He thought that if he came by the island the creatures would come out. And he was right! Two new puffles were added to Club Penguin, Blue Border Collie and Orange Tabby Cat.

The 2015 party started with a cake missing from the Ski Lodge. After investigating, it was found that the culprit, Sam the Sasquatch, was just a bit hungry. Players could follow him into The Wild to do quests and four new types of wild puffle were found!

That was it for this edition of CP Knowledge! I hope you’ve learnt something new today and that you’ve enjoyed this post! If you have any suggestions on what party I should do next, please write to me Malini on discord :)) See you soon <3

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