Double Trouble: Scorp and Ru

Helloo there you lovely helper!! Welcome to the latest edition of your favourite blog, Double Trouble. The series where Dhanush and PinguMaliz hunt out the besties of Help Force, interview them, and test how much they know about each other. For this week we’re interviewing an awesome dynasty duo, they are both cabinet secretary in HF and amazing friends. Of course, I am talking about Scorp and RU!

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Song Of The Week #17 – Rebel Child

Hello music maniacs, welcome to the latest Song Of The Week! Some of you might remember this series from when the previous authors ran it. Kudos to you for sticking around long enough to remember, you’re officially old. Since this is my first post, I will feature my own favorite song in this edition – Rebel Child by Dylan!

Please DM me at on Discord to feature your favorite songs in the next post!

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Help Force Weekly Recap (16th – 22nd June)

Hello fellow Readers! This week was a special week for the Helpers, we kicked it off with a Massive EU Club Penguin Journey Event with the Squid Costume, then we practiced our troops for the upcoming tournament in an INT army training and lastly, we battled the amazing Elite Guardians in a US Timezone Practice Battle!!

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cpj stamp helpers

Are you a passionate explorer in Club Penguin Journey? If so, then you’re in for a delightful adventure with the Help Force as your guide to stamp collecting! Stamps in Club Penguin Journey offer a fantastic way to challenge yourself, explore the island, and proudly showcase your achievements.

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Food for Every Soul

Hello Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this week’s recipe, I decided to interview a OG member whos been here since 2019, HF Dynasty: Lisa!

Food for Every Soul » The Help Force

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Get To Know Your Staff – PinguMaliz

Hello guys! YES I am back with another Interview just for you!! But first let me give you a Quick Intro. This is the blog where I interview the amazing Staff of our server so we could know more about them! This week I interviewed the lovely and the amazing PinguMaliz. She is one of the current the Generals in HF. So, what are we waiting for? Let us all welcome Pinguu!!

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CP Knowledge: Anniversary Parties

Hii there, lovely helper! Welcome to a new post of CP Knowledge, the series where I talk about the different themed parties that were held on Club Penguin. From last time, we know all about the Puffle Parties, so this week we will be looking into the Anniversary Parties!

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Help Force Weekly Recap (9th – 15th June)

Hello fellow Readers! This week was a special week for the Helpers, we kicked it off with a Mega Pride Event followed by 2 Freeland Invasions, A Practice Battle against our brother allies the Army of Club Penguin and lastly the Mega CPA Community Pride Parade Event!!

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Sussy Snowy

I’m sure you already know that Snowy is very sus. She led the army for a whole segment of history. Here are a few of her recent sus activities.

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Get To Know Your Staff – Enderlemon

Hello guys! It’s been a while since our staff got Interviewed, so now it’s time to bring back this blog alive! So, from now on I hope to keep posting so you all could know our Amazing Staff Members better! Today I will interview one of our most Recent and lovely General who is called by many names, but we all know her mostly by one name, So please everyone Welcome Enderlemon!!

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